The 2023/24 DICE Lecture will be given by Professor Juliet Vickery, CEO of the British Trust for Ornithology. Her talk is on Thursday March 14th 2024 from 18:00 in Grimond Lecture Theatre 1 and will be entitled “Evidence-based conservation action for birds in farmland, forests and flyways”.
Everyone is welcome to attend free of charge and it will also be broadcast live.
Previous DICE lectures
2022/23 – Professor Dave Goulson, University of Sussex
Silent Earth: averting the insect apocalypse
2021/22 – Professor EJ Milner-Gulland, University of Oxford
Finding optimism in a time of biodiversity crisis
2020/21 – Professor Erik Meijaard, Borneo Futures – Science for Change
When to rescue orangutans, and other conservation dilemmas
2019/20 – Dr Jane Goodall DBE, Jane Goodall Institute
Gombe and beyond: Chimpanzees, conservation and change
2018/19 – Professor Chris Thomas, University of York
Surviving the Anthropocene: a story of biological gains and losses
2017/18 – Cathy Dean, CEO of Save The Rhino International
The appliance of science: thorny issues in rhino conservation
2016/17 – Tony Juniper CBE, independent sustainability and environment adviser
Why ecology and economy must embrace
2015/16 – Professor Rosie Woodroffe, Institute of Zoology, London
Badgering: The Science, Policy and Politics of Managing Cattle TB
2014/15 – Stanley Johnson, Politician and author
Forty years of environmental policy: has it made a difference? A personal perspective
2013/14 – Professor John Mackinnon
Passing the Baton – 50 years in Conservation
2012/13 – Dr Peter Bridgewater, Joint Nature Conservation Committee
Seven Types of Ambiguity: Confusing Conversations in Conservation
2011/12 – Professor Jon Hutton, Director of UNEP-WCMC
Conservation in a Global Garden
2010/11 – Richard Burrett, UNEP Finance Initiative
The Notion of Capital in Biodiversity Conservation
2009/10 – Professor Luigi Boitani
The challenge of large carnivore conservation in Europe
2008/09 – Professor Callum Roberts
The past and future of coral reefs: exploitation, tourism and climate change
2007/08 – Professor Michael Samways FRSSAf
Insect conservation: overcoming the big biodiversity bluff?
2006/07 – Willem Wijnstekers
Can CITES be a guarantee for sustainability?
2005/06 – Professor Bill Adams
Biodiversity, poverty and development: the challenge for conservation
2004/05 – Dr John Robinson
The Bushmeat Crisis: hunting for sustainability in tropical forests
2003/04 – Professor Ian Swingland
Capturing carbon and conserving biodiversity: the market approach
2002/03 – Professor John Croxall CBE FRS
The Southern Ocean: a model system for conserving marine resources?
2001/02 – Professor Norman Myers CMG
Perverse subsidies: bad news for our environments and our economies
2000/01 – Professor Georgina Mace CBE FRS
Endangered species: Red listing for conservation
1999/2000 – Robin Hanbury-Tenison OBE
International conservation and the survival of indigenous people
1998/99 – Professor Sir Ghillean Prance FRS
Forest, fishes, farms and the future of the Amazon region
1997/98 – Professor Ian Newton FRSE FRS
Birds and agriculture: pesticides, hedgerows and land use
1996/97 – Dr Richard Laws CBE FRS
Conserving the world’s largest mammals: elephants, whales and river horses
1995/96 – Sir Crispin Tickell GCMG KCVO
Greenery and governance
1994/95 – Sir Robert May AC FRS
What is biodiversity and does it affect ecosystem stability?
1993/94 – Rt Hon Michael Howard QC MP
Sustainable management after Rio