Girl on hill

Your year abroad

If you want to stand out from other graduates in today’s highly competitive global job market, spending time overseas as part of your degree can be invaluable.

Students describe their Year Abroad as one of the most exciting and formative periods of their lives. They grow in self-confidence, make new friends and develop new perspectives on the world having gained first-hand experience of other countries, their people and cultures. Above all, they have a fantastic time that they treasure for the rest of their lives.  

Universities UK’s Gone International report (March 2017) found that students who studied or worked abroad were more likely to:

  • Earn a first or upper second class degree
  • Have higher employability skills
  • Be in employment or further study in the six months after graduation
  • Be in a graduate level job or earning 5% more in the six months after graduation.

Some programmes of study – such as language degrees and a few others – include a year abroad as an integral part of your programme. Students on other programmes can also apply to spend an optional year or term abroad. Interested? Find out how to apply

Year abroad

Experience a different culture, develop your language skills, grow in confidence, gain a new academic perspective, establish international contacts and enhance your employability,

Grace-Lynn O'Malley

My Year Abroad was one of my highlights!

Grace-Lynn O'Malley spent her Year Abroad in Spain and Germany

Last updated