Get ready for first year study with these suggestions from our academics.
We’ve put together some languages resources and useful links for new students studying German at Kent, including some of our own staff and students talking about the challenges and opportunities that learning to speak another language brings.
Taster lecture
- Dr Ian Cooper, Lecturer in German, asks whether German literature and German philosophy can tell us anything about Coronavirus; the experience of isolation, and of being cut off from things, people and places that we normally take for granted.
Dr Tobias Heinrich, Lecturer in German, talks about his research in the role of the media in German culture, and what he enjoys most about teaching students at Kent:
Listening activities / Hörverstehen:
- Deutsche Welle – Langsam gesprochene Nachrichten
- Hörtexte aus Österreich zu unterschiedlichen Themen
- Germany: Memories of a nation
Reading activities / Leseverstehen:
- DW – Top Thema
- DW – Wort der Woch
- DW – Das sagt man so
- Deutsch perfekt
- Goethe Institut: Register online for free to read e-books, listen to e-audio etc. via On-Leihe powered by GI London.
- Guardian, Why We Should Learn German
- Germany: Memories of a Nation
TV-Serien, Filme, andere Empfehlungen / Hör-Sehverstehen
- Telenovela “Jojo sucht das Glück” (zum Deutschlernen)
- NETFLIX / amazon prime: Change your language settings to German so you can watch most films either completely in German or with German subtitles
- Follow DW-Deutsch lernen on Facebook and take part in their daily activities and challenges!
TOP TIPP! Nicos Weg