
Student smiling in class


Not passed? Here are your options

It can feel very upsetting and overwhelming at the moment, but you have options and we are here to help!

These options include:


Resit or resubmit

This is when you retake one or more exams or redo coursework in August.

There is a fee to resit or resubmit. If you cannot pay this fee due to financial hardship, please get in touch so we can discuss your options and financial support available.


Appeal (early resolution request)

This is when you ask the exam board to reconsider their decision. To appeal, you need to get in touch with your Division within 7 calendar days of the release of your results.



This is when you redo the whole module or equivalent number of credits in the next academic year.

As long as the module isn’t compulsory, you could choose another module.

You would need to attend all lectures and seminars, and follow the full assessment requirements.

Find out how repeating can affect your finances if you are funded by Student Finance England.

Top tips for resitters

Resitting an exam in August? One of our Student Learning Advisers shares how to best prepare for resits. 

Where can I get support?

Staff at the University and Kent Union are on hand to help, including:

Not sure where to start? Ask Nexus and they can point you in the right direction. 

Support events