Everything you need to know about student loans, financial support and making the most of your money. Use the 12 months before you arrive to sort out your finances and get the best possible start to student life at Kent.
When choosing a uni, it's a good idea to research the bursaries, scholarships and loans available to you.
If you want to apply, make a note of the application deadline dates so you don't miss them.
There are online finance calculators which will help you to work out exactly how much money you will have to live on when you start your course.
If you've got a part-time job, maybe you could start putting aside a little bit of money each month. You could start with £10, it'll soon build up and could come in really handy when you start at uni.
Tuition fees and living costs are your two main expenses at university. Use our living costs page to help you estimate your costs and produce a budget for everyday outgoings like accommodation, household bills, food and travel.
On-campus accommodation opens for applications around mid-January. Use the living costs calculator and amend the accommodation type to suit your budget.
Applications for student finance usually open in February and close at the end of May. As well as a student loan there are other grants available:
If you don’t already cook, it's a really good life skill to have at uni. Ask someone you know to teach you to cook your favourite dishes or learn with online tutorials.
It's time to consider opening a student bank account. There are lots to choose from so use a comparison website to find one that suits you.
It's also worth signing up for internet banking so you can access your accounts at all times.
You need to submit your student funding application before the end of May. This should guarantee all of your funding will be in place for the start of term in September.
If you haven't got a summer job yet, it's not too late! If you can work before university and save some of your wages, it will come in very useful when you start.
You may find the Blackbullion website helpful when developing your money skills for uni.
It is important to have the correct insurance to protect your personal belongings.
Our on-campus accommodation costs include personal contents insurance. If you live off-campus, your parents/carers' insurance may cover your possessions while at uni.
Read through your student finance application to make sure everything is up-to-date. Don't forget to check that your contact information and bank details are correct so you will get paid on time.
Once your reading list is available, find the best place to buy your books. Some shops match online retailers and you could get a discount if bulk-buying. Don’t forget, you can also buy them second-hand and borrow books from the library.
Student finance is paid into your account a couple of days after registration. Make sure you have some money for the first week.
If you do not receive your student finance on the first day of term, you may be able to apply for an emergency loan.