Application timeline for 2024 entry

Your application journey

Get your application started with confidence, using the timeline below to make a note of important dates and deadlines in the UCAS calendar.

Application timeline for entry to Kent in 2024

You can apply to Kent from September 2023.



Two female students, one with a University of Kent sign with 'Can I help you?' on it

Visiting universities helps you to discover the places and courses that suit you. Read our tips and advice for guidance.

From September you'll be able to apply.  

Search our 2024 courses


Stethoscope with purple flex on top of open book

16 October is the deadline for Kent and Medway Medical School. 

For all other subject areas, you’ve still got time to complete your application and perfect your personal statement. Once that’s done you can focus on getting the best grades you can.



Boy in grey t-shirt at laptop Photo by NESA by Makers on Unsplash

If you haven’t applied yet, and need some help writing your personal statement, take a look at our helpful blogs on how to structure your personal statement and the personal statement do’s and don’ts.   



The word 'deadline' printed on a piece of paper in an old-fashioned typewriter Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

31 January 2024 is the main UCAS deadline. You can still apply via UCAS up until 30 June, but you may not be able to get on to the course you want at your preferred university - why risk it?

Kent offer holder? Apply for accommodation now.


Lecturer teaching a mixed group of students in a lecture hall

February 2024 - UCAS Extra opens for any applicants who received no offers, or who rejected all their offers. 

If we have offered you a place, you can come and meet us at an Applicant Event. You may also be invited for an interview.


Student finance

Banknotes from Pixabay

Funding applications will open via Student Finance England in late February. It’s a good idea to check eligibility criteria and apply as soon as you can. You don’t need to know which university you’re going to before making an application.



If you applied to Kent by the 31 January, we will send you our decision by the end of March. If you accept the offer, don’t forget to apply for accommodation! You can look around in person at an Applicant Event or take a virtual tour of our rooms.



Young woman, long brown hair, writing at a desk Image by Hannah Olinger Unsplash

If you've heard back from all the universities you applied to, you can start weighing up your options. Maybe make a pros and cons list for each of them based on what you know. You don’t have to make any choices until your last decision comes in.



A selection of mainly brown doors with a red pathway pointing to a white door Image by Arek Socha, Pixabay

If you applied by the October or January deadline, you’ll receive a decision in May. You must make your firm and insurance decisions by 6 June. If you're unsure, revisit your priorities and speak to your support group.  



Two students, one on laptop, one cooking in student accommodation

6 June 2024 - Reply to offers if you’ve received your decisions.

Your last chance to make a late application to UCAS is 30 June.

Applications received after this time will automatically be entered into Clearing.  


Overseas students

Graphic of blue and green globe with aeroplanes circulating round it

If you are applying to study in the UK from overseas, you may need a Student visa. Now’s the time to look into the process and begin your application. You can find helpful information on our website and on the UK government’s site.



Young man, glasses check shirt Photo by Nathan Van de Graaf on Unsplash

4 July 2024 - Last date to add a UCAS Extra choice.

5 July 2024 - Confirmation, Clearing and Adjustment open. If you don’t have an offer, you can apply for any course that has vacancies.

Clearing at Kent


Young woman laughing with hand over her mouth Photo by Etty Fidele on Unsplash

If things didn’t go to plan, you’re not holding any offers or you’ve changed your mind about your course, you can enter Clearing to apply for something new. Once your place is confirmed, it’s time to celebrate – you’ve made it!


September 2024

Mixed group of students walking down steps at Medway

21 September 2024 - Final date for 2024 UCAS undergraduate applications.

University life begins. Make the most of it – all our students tell us the years fly by.

(17 October 2024 - Clearing 2024 closes.)

Student life at Kent