Contextual offers

Contextual offers

We believe that every student with the ability to study at university should be able to do so. That’s why contextual offers are an important part of our admissions policy.

What is a contextual offer?

In general, a contextual offer will be lower than our standard offer. For example, a contextual offer for someone taking A levels will be two grades below our published standard offer. Course specific conditions will still apply, for example if the course requires you to have a minimum grade in a related subject, this subject grade will not be adjusted.

The good news for you as an applicant is that the vast majority of contextual offers are made automatically. You just need to complete your UCAS application and we will do the rest.

Contextual admissions policy

As part of our ongoing commitment to widening participation at the University of Kent, we have a contextual admissions policy. We use data and indicators to help us build a more rounded view of an applicant's achievements and potential, we are keen to ensure that we are able to identify talent using a range of applicant information in addition to prior attainment. We are also committed to ensuring that each applicant is assessed fairly.

You are eligible for a contextual offer if:


In England, the tracking of underrepresentation by area (TUNDRA) measures how many young people participate in higher education. You can find more information about this on the Office for Students (OfS) website.

If you want to find out which TUNDRA Quintile your postcode falls into, you can use the OfS tool.

See our Institution Contextual Flag (PDF) to see if your school is in the bottom 40% nationally for KSS results.


The Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) is a way of measuring and ranking levels of deprivation in different areas or neighborhoods. For the purpose of contextual admissions, we use IMD 2019. If you live in an IMD Q1 (IMD decile 1 or 2) you are eligible for a contextual admissions offer.

You can find out more information about this on the Government Website.

If you want to find out which IMD 2019 Decile your postcode falls into, you can use the Ministr of Housing, Communities and Local Government open source tool.

If you have spent time in care, you are eligible for a contextual offer from Kent. Please indicate this status on your UCAS application form.

The University of Kent is working to be a safe and welcoming place for refugees, asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors and others who are displaced or forced to migrate. 

We promote access to Higher Education for people who have fled persecution and sought asylum in the UK, providing support and scholarships through the Article 26 scheme.

If you have 'refugee status' or have been granted 'Humanitarian Protection' you are eligible for a contextual offer from Kent. Please indicate the relevant status on your UCAS application form.

If you are a mature student, aged 21 or over on the first day of term.

If you are currently in receipt, or have been in receipt of Free School Meals, at any point during your secondary school studies.