Accounting and Finance and Economics

Finance and Investment with a Year in Industry - BSc (Hons)

UCAS code N300:K

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Our Finance and Investment degree teaches you how to apply economic and financial principles to real business situations. It prepares you for a career in a broad range of sectors including financial management, investment banking and equity trading.


Kent Business School delivers a high standard of business education and is the largest school at the University of Kent. Our academic research and links with global business inform our teaching, ensuring a curriculum that is both rigorous and current.  We are a top 30 UK business school for our academic teaching and student satisfaction.

Our degree programme

This four-year programme prepares you for a career in a broad range of sectors including financial management, investment banking and equity trading. In your first year, you study financial accounting, data analysis, statistics, financial markets and instruments, economics for business and quantitative methods for finance. This gives you a thorough understanding of the core principles of finance and investment.

In your second and final years, you deepen your knowledge and focus on specialised topics. A wide range of options means you can choose modules that interest you: areas covered include corporate finance, investment analysis, financial econometrics, portfolio management, business law and employment rights.

Elements of practical work are carried out in the finance lab with the aid of the Bloomberg virtual trading platform. You can apply the theories you learn in the classroom to real situations, accessing and engaging with market data via case studies and online databases.

This course is has been acknowledged under the CFA University Affiliation Program. Being recognised by the CFA’s University Affiliation Program indicates that our BSc Finance and Investment with a Year in Industry is closely tied to the industry practice of investment management and embeds a significant portion of the CFA Program Candidate Body of Knowledge (CBOK) including the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct.

Year in industry

As part of this degree, you take a compulsory paid business placement between your second and final years. The placement runs for at least 44 weeks and starts between June and September, following your second-year examinations. Placements help develop your skills and knowledge and aid your final year of study. 

Find out more about the placement year with the Kent Business School.

Exchange partners

Kent Business School has excellent links with business schools globally, including in China, USA, Hong Kong, France, Germany, Spain, Sweden and Italy. Our wide array of exchange partners give you the opportunity to gain international experience. Our partners are committed to enhancing their international outlook while providing excellent teaching. You will gain invaluable work experience, develop your understanding of a new culture and improve your language skills.

Our exchange partners include these top ranked institutions amongst others:

  • University of Technology, Sydney
  • Renmin University of China, School of Business
  • University of Hong Kong
  • Neoma Business School
  • Freie Universitat Berlin
  • University of Florence
  • IE Madrid University
  • Stockholm Business School
  • Georgetown University.

Extra activities

Kent Business and Kent Enterprise are two of our student-run societies. Their activities have included events with guest speakers from industry and support for budding entrepreneurs.

Kent Business School also puts on special events and schemes. These may include:

  • workshops and seminars
  • business challenges
  • enterprise initiatives, including the Business Start-Up Journey
  • networking events.

Professional network

At Kent Business School, we pride ourselves on the strength of our global connections. These include links with:

  • BBC
  • Barclays
  • Cummins
  • IBM
  • KPMG
  • The Bank of England
  • Kent County Council.

Kent Business School also has excellent links with business schools globally, including in China, Hong Kong, France, Germany, Spain, Finland and Italy.

Independent rankings

In the National Student Survey 2018, over 85% of final-year Accounting students who completed the survey, were satisfied with the overall quality of their course.

For graduate prospects, Accounting and Finance at Kent scored 91% in The Guardian University Guide 2019 and over 90% in The Times Good University Guide 2019.

Of Accounting and Finance students who graduated from Kent in 2017 and completed a national survey, over 95% were in work or further study within six months (DLHE).

Teaching Excellence Framework

All University of Kent courses are regulated by the Office for Students.

Based on the evidence available, the TEF Panel judged that the University of Kent delivers consistently outstanding teaching, learning and outcomes for its students. It is of the highest quality found in the UK.

Please see the University of Kent's Statement of Findings for more information.

TEF Gold logo

Course structure

The following modules are indicative of those offered on this programme. This listing is based on the current curriculum and may change year to year in response to new curriculum developments and innovation.  

On most programmes, you study a combination of compulsory and optional modules. You may also be able to take ‘elective’ modules from other programmes so you can customise your programme and explore other subjects that interest you.

Stage 1

Compulsory modules currently include Credits

This module will cover the key concepts of microeconomics and theories related to the individual, firm and industry in the short and long run, underpinned by existing evidence on past and current economic trends in the UK, Europe and the rest of the world.

• Key microeconomic concepts such as opportunity cost and equity versus efficiency

• Supply and demand; elasticity

• Cost and revenues

• Profit maximisation under different market structures

• Input markets; labour and capital

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The aim of this module is to give students a solid grounding in key statistical techniques required to analyse effectively business data and data relevant for business. Indicative content:

• Maths and statistical skills for business; revision of algebra and basic mathematical functions.

• Summarising data with histograms, bar charts, frequency distributions, measures of central tendency and dispersion.

• Spreadsheets: features and functions of commonly-used spreadsheet software including: workbook, worksheet, rows, columns, cells, data, text, formulae, formatting, printing, , charts and graphs, data management facilities,

• Probability: The relationship between probability, proportion and percent, addition and multiplication rules in probability theory and Venn diagrams.

• Common Probability Density Functions.

• Sampling and its use in inference, and applications of sampling in business management.

• Regression and correlation: scatter plots; simple regression; interpreting computer output.

• Forecasting using spreadsheets.

• Hypothesis testing using z-scores and t-scores

• Simulations- random number generation

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This module builds on knowledge gained from CB367: Introduction to Data Analysis and Statistics for Business. The module is designed to provide a sound mathematical and statistical foundation for studying finance. Students will learn the key mathematical and statistical tools necessary to analyse effectively financial data.

Topics covered include:

• Basics: algebra, linear equations

• Solving simultaneous linear equations

• Rates of change and Differentiation

• Optimization (minimisation-maximisation)

• Introduction to matrix algebra

• The classical simple and multiple linear regression model (estimation – inference)

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This module begins by looking at the role of investments and finance in an organisational context. It then considers the role of financial markets and the links between investors and businesses. Students will learn different investment appraisal techniques used in capital budgeting decisions, such as NPV and IRR. The module also covers the basics of any investment decision, such as the relation between return and risk. In the second part of the module, student will learn about short and long term sources (i.e. capital structure) of finance available to businesses and how to determine the cost and value of each source of long-term finance.

Topics covered include:

- Short-term and long term investment appraisal and capital budgeting techniques

- Estimation of return and risk in the context of portfolio theory

- Short-term finance and working capital management

- Long-term finance and the cost of each source of finance

- Capital structure and weighted average cost of capital

- Interaction of investment and financing decisions

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This module introduces students to different financial markets and their role in the economy. These markets include equity, bond/debt/interest rate, foreign exchange and derivative markets. In this module, students will also learn about the trading instruments used in these markets. Moreover, the module offers an exploration of current developments in the world's financial markets and institutions, including innovation, globalization, and deregulation, with a focus on the actual practices of financial institutions, investors, and financial instruments.

Topics covered include:

• The development of financial markets and instruments and their role in the economy

• Money, interest and bond markets and their major instruments

• Equity markets, their functions and instruments

• Derivative markets and their instruments

• Foreign exchange markets

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The module will cover various aspects of the changing international business environment, and their impact upon business operations and strategy. It will give students an appreciation of the business difficulties faced; the variety of factors influencing the choices and compromises that have to be made in international businesses, and the implications of those for the future viability and effectiveness of the organisations concerned.

An list of topics is given below:

• Globalisation: Definition, Evolution, Implications for countries, firms and people

• The International Business Environment: World Institutions, Patterns of International Trade and FDI Activities

• The Triad: European Union, United States, Japan - Investment, Trade, Relations

• Developing and Emerging Economies: Opportunities and Challenges

• Cultural Frameworks for International Business

• Entry Modes: Theory and Practice

• Internationalisation Theories

• International Expansion Strategies

• International Stakeholders – Ethical Issues

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This module aims to give students a better understanding of the importance of accounting in the modern world and how accounts are produced and regulated to produce meaningful information for all internal and external stakeholders.

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This module provides fundamental knowledge of a range of business organisations, business purpose, ownership types and stakeholder influence. It further introduces organisational structures, functional areas and the impact of the external environment on business. Furthermore, this module introduces the many factors that shape the nature of organisations operating in an increasingly complex business environment such as innovation, internationalisation, entrepreneurship, and sustainability. Module participants explore this dynamic nature of business and consider successful existence within modern organisations through studying and applying employability skills such as leadership, teamwork, and resilience.

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Stage 2

Compulsory modules currently include Credits

This module advances the topics learnt in Fundamentals of Finance and Investments. In this framework, the module considers the impact of inflation, capital rationing, and taxation in capital budgeting decisions along with the understanding and use of sensitivity analysis in the context of risk in project appraisal. It then proceeds to introduce risk free asset in portfolio formation and concludes with learning about Capital Asset Pricing Model. Students also learn about the impact of taxes on capital structure and weighted average cost of capital. The module also covers another (in addition to investment and financing decisions) major financial management decision, that is, the dividend policy of the firm. Finally, the students also learn about mergers and acquisitions in the context of corporate restructuring. In sum, this module aims to cover the following topics:

- Impact of inflation, capital rationing and taxation on investment appraisal and capital budgeting techniques

- Risk free rate, portfolio theory, and Capital Asset Pricing Model

- Impact of taxes on costs of different sources of finance

- Capital structure and weighted average cost of capital in the presence of taxes

- Dividend based valuation and factors affecting dividend decision

- Mergers and acquisitions

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This module is concerned with derivative securities used by the investors for hedging (risk management), speculation and arbitrage purposes. In this module students learn about various derivative instruments such as forwards, futures and options contracts on a range of different underlying assets. These underlying assets could be physical assets such as commodities (gold, oil, etc.) or financial securities (currencies, stocks, etc.). Students also learn about how these derivative instruments are valued. The main focus behind the use of these derivatives would be from risk management perspective. More specifically, this module aims to cover the following topics:

- Types of derivative instruments and their characteristics

- Forward contracts and their valuation

- Futures contracts and their valuation

- Options contracts and their valuation

- Uses of derivatives in portfolio management

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The module aims to give students a solid understanding of the basic econometric tools that are often used in the empirical finance literature. The module also develops the IT skills of the students so that students are able to implement sophisticated statistical techniques to model, analyse and forecast financial data by means of Eviews (econometric software). Students will also improve their ability to critically evaluate the use of econometrics in the academic finance literature.

Topics covered include:

• Dummy variables in linear regression models

• Time series models (ARIMA models)

• Forecasting

• Unit root tests

• Simulation analysis

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The module aims to provide students with a thorough understanding of the financial accounting techniques at an advanced level and gain an appreciation of the regulatory and social environment within which financial reporting takes place. They will also be able to analyse corporate financial statement information and to make performance evaluations and investment decisions.

Topics covered include:

• Conceptual framework of financial reporting

• Financial Reporting environment

• Off Balance sheet financing

• Group Accounting

• Ratio analysis

• Economics of valuation and valuation models

• Financial reporting model

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In the wake of the largest economic crisis in recent times many causes have been proposed for the turmoil. At the centre of the argument is banks' excessive risk-taking behaviour, especially through abundant lending, over-leveraging and dramatic expansion in the usage of credit transfer products in the years leading up to the crisis. On the policy side, incompetence of regulators overseeing the banking system is voiced. Therefore, understanding the banking business and regulation from an international perspective is of paramount importance to prevent future economic crises that may be caused by banks. In this perspective, the module examines the different types of banks, their financial features and risk in banking. It introduces several international banking activities that link national financial markets globally. Particular focus is placed on the importance of regulation from an international perspective through Basel accords.

Topics covered in this module include:

• Introduction to financial intermediation

• Activities of International Banks and relationship banking

• Banks’ balance sheet and income statement

• Perceptions of the global banking before/after 2007/08 financial crisis

• Income structure and balance sheet of banks and bank risks: Retail vs. Investment banks

• International activities of banks: Syndicated lending and asset securitisation

• Bank regulation and supervision: Basel I, II and III

• The 2007/2008 global banking crisis: Causes, the aftermath and implications for banks and regulators

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The module will introduce students to the investment environment providing an explanation of the major types of markets in which the securities trade, the trading process and the main players in these markets. It will then follow with a detailed discussion of asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, commodities and so on. The module will also include a discussion on the asset pricing theories (capital asset pricing model, arbitrage pricing theory and multifactor models). It will mainly focus on the valuation techniques of financial securities, in particular stocks, bonds, and derivative contracts. The module will also introduce students to the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct.

Topics to be included in this module are as follows:

- Investment Environment

- Asset classes and financial instruments

- Trading of Securities

- CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct

- Review of Equilibrium in Capital Markets (Capital Asset Pricing Model, Efficient Market Hypothesis, Arbitrage Pricing Theory, Multifactor models)

- Technical and Fundamental Analysis

- Security Analysis: Macroeconomic and industry analysis

- Equity Valuation Models

- Financial Statement Analysis

- Bond prices and yields

- Term structure of interest rates

- Derivative contracts

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This module will cover the core principles of macroeconomics; including the measurement of key macroeconomic variables and limitations to existing practices. Students will consider competing theories related to the macro economy in the short and long run and their overall consequences for the business environment. This will be underpinned by existing evidence on past and current levels of macroeconomic indicators in the UK, Europe and the rest of the world. Indicative topics are:

• The Macro economy – as a system: the circular flow (including injections and withdrawals), national income measurement, economic growth and international comparisons

• Macroeconomic variables: GDP, unemployment, inflation, money supply and balance of payments

• The open macro economy; including imports and exports; the role of exchange rates and trade theory.

• Macroeconomic theories: including the classical approach, the Keynesian demand management approach and monetarism

• Macroeconomic policies: demand versus supply side economic management

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The aim of the module is to develop an understanding of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability informed by ethical theory and stakeholder perspectives. Students will have the opportunity to familiarise with essential readings and cases in CSR to enable them to recognise key issues raised by stakeholder groups. such as shareholder activism; socially responsible investment; employee discrimination; working conditions; ethical issues in marketing; management; consumer protection; gifts/ bribes; accountability; collaboration with civil society organisations, and corruption of governmental actors. The module will therefore contribute in building an understanding of contemporary social issues in business by highlighting the importance of a collaborative approach with internal and external stakeholder groups.

Indicative topics are:

- Business Ethics

- Corporate Social Responsibility

- Sustainability

- Social responsibilities of sectors and industries

- Stakeholders of organisations, including:





Civil society


- Implementation of socially responsible and sustainable programmes and initiatives

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Year in industry

You have the option to take a 12 month placement which is integral to your chosen degree programme between the 2nd and 3rd year of study

You are supported by a dedicated placement team and a programme designed to ensure that you gain experience in the functional areas and industries of your choice.

The placement allows you to experience, first hand, many of the issues addressed in the taught programme and to use the tools, techniques and applications in a real business setting. It will become a vital component of your CV and will give you a distinct advantage over other business graduates.

You need to pass Stage 2 to progress to the Year in Industry. Find out more about the placement year with the Kent Business School.

The following modules are offered to our current students. This listing is based on the current curriculum and may change year to year in response to new curriculum developments and innovation:

Compulsory modules currently include Credits

The Year in Industry experience provides you with a structured opportunity to combine work experience or entrepreneurial activity with academic study.

The Year in Industry allows students to develop and reflect on managerial and/or professional practice in real and often complex situations, and to integrate this with the study of the relevant subject(s) of your main degree programme.

Where relevant, students develop, reinforce and apply professional and/or technical expertise in an employment or entrepreneurial context. The placement portfolio requires students to document their experiences in relation to both their university studies as well as to a wide range of employability skills.

In addition, the portfolio allows demonstration of professional development through the collection and presentation of relevant evidence.

To be able to undertake this module it is necessary for the student to secure a placement or to have validated a Business Start-Up during Stage 2.

The Business Start-Up should build on the student's planned business activity as developed and validated by the ASPIRE Business Start-Up Journey.

The particular combination of the student’s degree programme and choice of modules together with the great variety of increasingly diverse Year in Industry situations make the "curriculum" of the Year in Industry essentially unique.

This module documents and assesses the evidence of Year in Industry learning being achieved.

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Stage 3

Compulsory modules currently include Credits

The module begins with motivations for risk management in general and then covers the practice of risk management. In particular, students are introduced to the current thinking on governance and regulatory systems, followed by industry practices for managing certain common types of risk. Critical evaluation of these practices is incorporated where applicable.

Topics covered in this module include:

- Introduction to general risk management theory, how and why it generates value

- A taxonomy of risks, including Market Risk, Credit Risk, Liquidity Risk, Operational Risk, Model Risk, Regulatory Risk, Legal/Contract Risk, Tax Risk, Accounting Risk, and Political Risk.

- Introduction to Governance and Regulation

- Standard measures of risk

- Risk measurement for security portfolios

- Hedging techniques using financial derivatives

- Evaluation of hedging performance

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The curriculum considers the alternative investment techniques available in the global financial markets. Portfolio analyses will be extended to include focuses on commodities, real estate, private equity and hedge funds. The module will include an investigation of the underlying rationale for such investment types as well as providing an understanding of the construction and management of relevant strategies.

The syllabus will typically cover:

• Introduction to Alternative Investments and their characteristics

• Hedge Fund Strategies

• Investing in Commodities

• Real Estate investment instruments

• Private Equity / Venture Capital Valuation

• Formulation and implementation of various active and passive investment strategies, as well as the analysis and management of risks associated with particular strategies.

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The world of fixed-income markets is becoming increasingly more complex with debt instruments that have varied payoffs structures and fixed-income derivatives that are growing in size and complexity. As a result of the 2007-2008 global financial crisis many key players in the fixed-income markets either collapsed (Bears Stearns and Lehman Brothers), or were bailed out by governments (Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, the Royal Bank of Scotland, Lloyds TSB, and HBOS, etc.). Hence, the aim of this module is to provide an introduction of the complex nature of fixed-income markets and securities and a discussion on the forces affecting prices and risks of such instruments. The module will also include a discussion on the appropriate management techniques to hedge the risks associated with fixed-income instruments.

This module will cover the following topics:

- Features of debt instruments and risks associated with investing in these instruments.

- Debt and money markets (participants, operations, trading activities).

- Fixed-income instruments (Government bonds, corporate bonds, credit ratings, high-yield bonds, international bonds, mortgage-backed securities, etc.).

- Money market instruments (Treasury bills, commercial paper, repurchase agreements, bills of exchange, etc.).

- Fixed-income valuation (traditional approach, arbitrage-free approach, yield measures, volatility measures).

- Term-structure of interest rates and classic theories of term structure, derivation of zero-coupon yield curve.

- General principles of credit analysis (credit scoring, credit risk modelling, etc.).

- Fixed-income portfolio construction and management strategies (portfolio's risk profile, managing funds against a bond market index).

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This module provides students a solid foundation on key topics of portfolio management, which covers various categories of portfolios and constructing portfolios targeting given objectives. The content includes:

• The Investment Policy Statement

• Modern Portfolio Management Concepts, Asset Classes, and International Diversification

• Management of Individual/Family Investor Portfolios

• Management of Institutional Investor Portfolios

• Economic Analysis, Setting Capital Market Expectations, and Industry Analysis

• Asset Allocation, Risk Aversion and Optimal Risky Portfolios

• Portfolio Construction and Revision, Portfolio Theory and Practice

• Performance Evaluation of Portfolio Management

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Optional modules may include Credits

The law affects the commercial world in many ways. This module focuses on how businesses fulfil their legal obligations to customers, suppliers and their workforce. As well as exploring how businesses are structured and the duties on directors and partners it also considers the legal obligations individuals and organisations have over those to whom they have a duty of care. The module further covers the main laws governing the employment of staff and contractors. By applying the law to real-world business situations students are able to fine-tune their problem solving skills and their ability to construct well-reasoned and persuasive arguments.

The module covers the following topic areas:

• The English Legal System, Legal Process and Dispute Resolution;

• Law of Negligence – including general principles and negligent mis-statement

• Law of Business Organisations - classification of business organisations; main principles applying to general and limited liability partnerships and registered companies, and directors' duties

• Employment Law - the general scope of the legal obligations owed by employers to employees, including the employment contract, discrimination and dismissal

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The law affects the commercial world in many ways. This module focuses on the importance of law in governing transactions between individuals and businesses; what is required for legally compliant contracts; what the law expects of organisations in terms of protecting the consumer, and how businesses manage and avoid disputes. By enabling students to become familiar with those parts of the law they are most likely to encounter in their careers and in business the module helps them better understand the obligations that parties have to each other in law.

Indicative topic areas are:

• The English Legal System

• The Legal Process and Dispute Resolution

• Law of Contract – including:

• Formation

• Contract terms

• Vitiating elements, such as misrepresentation and economic duress

• Performance and discharge of contract, including frustration

• Common law and equitable remedies, including damages

• Consumer Protection

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A synopsis of the curriculum

• Introduction to Business/Management Projects

• Research Methodologies

• Literature search and Literature Review

• Data collection and questionnaire

• Structuring a Project Report

• Data Analysis

• Presentations

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Teaching and assessment

In a typical week, you spend eight hours in lectures and four hours in seminars. Some modules have workshops or sessions in the micro-computer labs. You also spend considerable periods on individual study using the library resources.

Contact Hours

For a student studying full time, each academic year of the programme will comprise 1200 learning hours which include both direct contact hours and private study hours.  The precise breakdown of hours will be subject dependent and will vary according to modules.  Please refer to the individual module details under Course Structure.

Methods of assessment will vary according to subject specialism and individual modules.  Please refer to the individual module details under Course Structure.

Programme aims

The programme aims to:

  • Develop students’ appreciation of the nature of the contexts in which finance can be seen as operating, including knowledge of the institutional framework necessary for understanding the role, operation and function of markets and financial institutions. 
  • Provide students with a knowledge of the major theoretical tools and theories of finance, and their relevance and application to theoretical and practical problems
  • Develop students’ understanding of the relationship between financial theory and empirical testing, and application of this knowledge to the appraisal of the empirical evidence in at least one major theoretical area. The appraisal should involve some recognition of the limitation and evolution of empirical tests and theory.
  • Develop students’ ability to interpret financial data including that arising in the context of the firm or household from accounting statements and data generated in financial markets. The interpretation may involve analysis using statistical and financial functions and procedures such as are routinely available in spreadsheets (e.g. Microsoft Excel) and statistical packages (e.g. Eviews). It may assume the skills necessary to manipulate financial data and carry out statistical and econometric tests. 
  • Develop students’ understanding of the financing arrangements and governance mechanisms and structures of business entities, and of how theory and evidence can be combined to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of such arrangements.
  • Develop students’ understanding of the financial service activity in the economy and the factors influencing the investment behaviour and opportunities of private individuals.
  • Develop students’ ability to understand financial statements, and the limitations of financial reporting practices and procedures.
  • Develop students’ cognitive abilities and intellectual and transferrable skills.
  • Develop an understanding of key concepts, skills and techniques within the field of finance studies and appreciate how these are applied in the world of work.
  • Encourage the development and attainment of our students by providing a highly supportive environment.
  • Maintain high standards of academic rigour, currency and innovation.
  • Develop key transferable skills in the areas of numeracy, communication, financial and computer literacy.
  • Widen participation in HE among mature students, ethnic minorities and those without standard entry qualifications.
  • Prepare students for employment or further study.
  • Provide high quality teaching in supportive environments with appropriately qualified and trained staff. Meet the requirements for accreditation by CFA on successful completion of the programme.

Learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding

You gain knowledge and understanding of:

  • The institutional framework necessary for understanding the role, operation and function of markets and financial institutions.
  • The major theoretical tools and theories of finance, and their relevance and application to theoretical and practical problems.
  • The relationship between financial theory and empirical testing, and the application of this knowledge to the appraisal of the empirical evidence in at least one major theoretical area, recognising the limitation and evolution of empirical tests and theory. 
  • The interpretation of financial data including that arising in the context of the firm or household from accounting statements and data generated in financial markets.
  • The use of statistical and financial functions and procedures such as those available in spreadsheets (e.g. Microsoft Excel) and statistical packages (e.g. Eviews) to interpret financial data.
  • The financing arrangements and governance mechanisms and structures of business entities, and of how theory and evidence can be combined to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of such arrangements.
  • The financial service activity in the economy and the factors influencing the investment behaviour and opportunities of private individuals.
  • Financial statements, and the limitations of financial reporting practices and procedures. 
  • Some of the areas specified for the common core from a practical business perspective.

Intellectual skills

You gain the following intellectual abilities:

  • Critically evaluate arguments and evidence
  • Capacities for independent and self-managed learning.
  • Analyse and draw reasoned conclusions concerning structured and, to a more limited extent, unstructured problems
  • Ability to locate, extract and analyse data from multiple sources, including the acknowledgement and referencing of sources 
  • Numeracy skills, including the ability to manipulate financial and other numerical data and to appreciate statistical concepts at an appropriate level 
  • Apply skills in the use of communication and information technology in acquiring, analysing and communicating information (these skills include the use of spreadsheets, word processing software, standard statistical packages)
  • Acquire experience of working in groups, and other interpersonal skills, and in presenting the results of their work orally as well as in written form

Subject-specific skills

You gain the following subject-specific skills:

  • Understand the relationship between financial theory and empirical testing, and application of this knowledge to the appraisal of the empirical evidence in at least one major theoretical area. 
  • Interpret financial data including that arising in the context of the firm or household from accounting statements and data generated in financial markets. 
  • Use statistical and financial functions and procedures such as those available in spreadsheets and statistical packages.
  • Understand the financial service activity in the economy and the factors influencing the investment behaviour and opportunities of private individuals. 
  • Apply some of the subject-specific skills specified for the common core from a practical business perspective

Transferable skills

You gain transferable skills in the following:

  • A capacity for the critical evaluation of arguments and evidence. 
  • Capacities for independent and self-managed learning.
  • An ability to analyse and draw reasoned conclusions concerning structured and, to a more limited extent, unstructured problems from a given set of data.
  • Numeracy skills, including the ability to manipulate financial and other numerical data. 
  • Communication skills including the ability to present quantitative and qualitative information together with analysis. 
  • Apply some of the transferable skills specified for the common core from a practical business perspective.


Graduate destinations

Our graduates move into a range of careers within the world of business. Many go on to become chartered, certified or management accountants. The degree can also prepare you for a career in financial services (such as banking, insurance and investment) or in general management.

Help finding a job

Kent Business School has good links with businesses globally. This network is very useful when looking for work in industry.

Our friendly Careers and Employability Service can also give you advice on how to:

  • apply for jobs
  • write a good CV
  • perform well in interviews.

Career-enhancing skills

You graduate with an excellent grounding in the main concepts and practical methods of finance and investment.

To help you appeal to employers, you also learn transferable skills that are useful in any career. These include the ability to:

  • think critically
  • communicate your ideas and opinions
  • manage your time effectively
  • work independently or as part of a team.

You can also gain extra skills by signing up for one of our Kent Extra activities, such as learning a language or volunteering.

Entry requirements

Home/EU students

The University will consider applications from students offering a wide range of qualifications. Typical requirements are listed below. Students offering alternative qualifications should contact us for further advice. 

It is not possible to offer places to all students who meet this typical offer/minimum requirement.

New GCSE grades

If you’ve taken exams under the new GCSE grading system, please see our conversion table to convert your GCSE grades.

Qualification Typical offer/minimum requirement
A level



Mathematics grade B (or 6) and English grade C (or 4)

Access to HE Diploma

The University will not necessarily make conditional offers to all Access candidates but will continue to assess them on an individual basis. 

If we make you an offer, you will need to obtain/pass the overall Access to Higher Education Diploma and may also be required to obtain a proportion of the total level 3 credits and/or credits in particular subjects at merit grade or above.

BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma (formerly BTEC National Diploma)

The University will consider applicants holding BTEC National Diploma and Extended National Diploma Qualifications (QCF; NQF; OCR) on a case-by-case basis. Please contact us for further advice on your individual circumstances.

International Baccalaureate

34 points overall or 16 points at HL, including Mathematics 4 at HL or SL (Mathematics Studies 5 at SL)

International students

The University welcomes applications from international students. Our international recruitment team can guide you on entry requirements. See our International Student website for further information about entry requirements for your country. 

However, please note that international fee-paying students cannot undertake a part-time programme due to visa restrictions.

If you need to increase your level of qualification ready for undergraduate study, we offer a number of International Foundation Programmes.

Meet our staff in your country

For more advice about applying to Kent, you can meet our staff at a range of international events.

English Language Requirements

Please see our English language entry requirements web page.

Please note that if you are required to meet an English language condition, we offer a number of 'pre-sessional' courses in English for Academic Purposes. You attend these courses before starting your degree programme. 

General entry requirements

Please also see our general entry requirements.


The 2019/20 annual tuition fees for this programme are:

UK/EU Overseas
Full-time £9250 £15700

For details of when and how to pay fees and charges, please see our Student Finance Guide.

For students continuing on this programme, fees will increase year on year by no more than RPI + 3% in each academic year of study except where regulated.* 

Your fee status

The University will assess your fee status as part of the application process. If you are uncertain about your fee status you may wish to seek advice from UKCISA before applying.

Fees for Year in Industry

For 2019/20 entrants, the standard year in industry fee for home, EU and international students is £1,385

Fees for Year Abroad

UK, EU and international students on an approved year abroad for the full 2019/20 academic year pay £1,385 for that year. 

Students studying abroad for less than one academic year will pay full fees according to their fee status. 

General additional costs

Find out more about accommodation and living costs, plus general additional costs that you may pay when studying at Kent.


University funding

Kent offers generous financial support schemes to assist eligible undergraduate students during their studies. See our funding page for more details. 

Government funding

You may be eligible for government finance to help pay for the costs of studying. See the Government's student finance website.


General scholarships

Scholarships are available for excellence in academic performance, sport and music and are awarded on merit. For further information on the range of awards available and to make an application see our scholarships website.

The Kent Scholarship for Academic Excellence

At Kent we recognise, encourage and reward excellence. We have created the Kent Scholarship for Academic Excellence. 

The scholarship will be awarded to any applicant who achieves a minimum of AAA over three A levels, or the equivalent qualifications (including BTEC and IB) as specified on our scholarships pages

The scholarship is also extended to those who achieve AAB at A level (or specified equivalents) where one of the subjects is either mathematics or a modern foreign language. Please review the eligibility criteria.

The Key Information Set (KIS) data is compiled by UNISTATS and draws from a variety of sources which includes the National Student Survey and the Higher Education Statistical Agency. The data for assessment and contact hours is compiled from the most populous modules (to the total of 120 credits for an academic session) for this particular degree programme. 

Depending on module selection, there may be some variation between the KIS data and an individual's experience. For further information on how the KIS data is compiled please see the UNISTATS website.

If you have any queries about a particular programme, please contact