Alexander Murray

Law LLB (Hons)

I’m enjoying the content and I’m really happy with the teaching too.

What attracted you to studying Kent?

I was attracted to Kent because the Law School had a good ranking in the league tables and I knew the research was good. The campus is so lovely too, that was definitely an attraction.

How is your course going?

It’s going well. I really enjoy my modules, especially now I’m in my third year as they are all optional. I’m enjoying the content and I’m really happy with the teaching too. It’s been good to get back to face-to-face learning, it really makes a difference to the uni experience.

What is your module choice like?

In the main, modules in first and second year are compulsory. However, for my final year, I’ve been able to choose my modules and tailor my degree towards a career in commercial law. The variety of optional modules is great; we’ve got about 50 to choose from. I’d say there’s something for everyone’s area of interest.

How are your subject facilities?

Very good. The Wigoder Law Building has a mock court room, which is brilliant for mooting practice. There’s also the Kent Law Skills Hub which is run by a variety of professionals in the Law School. Students can use the hub to enhance their legal skills and access support with academic issues such as referencing or using a law database. They can also ask for general feedback on the structure of their work. It’s a really supportive environment.

Have you used the Careers and Employability Service?

Loads! I’ve gained a lot of Employability Points too. You can gain points by joining a society, volunteering or playing a sport and you can redeem your points for rewards or experiences, depending on how many you have. I used my Employability Points to apply for a mini pupillage at a local chambers. I was able to shadow members of the chamber in court and network to make some valuable contacts. Without the knowledge of the Careers and Employability team, I might not have applied. They checked my application and gave me a practice interview too. They really helped me to get my foot in the door.

Do you have a part-time job?

I receive a weekly stipend for being a Chief Mooting Clerk. I was an active mooter in my first and second year and I wanted to support first-year students as a mooting clerk. I organise and participate in mooting events and competitions and the role also gives me some great opportunities. Next week, I will be welcoming Lord Reid to campus!

I’d recommend mooting to any law student, even if they don’t want to be a barrister or a solicitor advocate. The skills you gain are invaluable. Whether that be learning about legal reasoning or how to structure a response to a question. For me, though, the main benefit has been improved self-confidence. I can now speak in front of judges, senior professors and academics which I wouldn’t have been able to do before.

Were you able to take any elective modules in your subject area?

Yes, I do a lot. I’m basically Hermione Granger! I’d advise anyone to take elective modules if they can spare the time for preparation and attendance. Elective modules contribute a small amount to your degree, about five credits, but if you get a first in them, they go a long way!

I take practical skills modules that cover areas such as client interviewing, mooting and negotiation. I’ve got my final negotiation test soon which is a little scary. I will be assessed by judges as I interview one of my peers. 

Can you describe Kent in three words?

Social, green, welcoming.