Sarah Swift

English and American Literature BA

English and American Literature is so much more than just reading. You have the opportunity to learn about so many different subjects, from history and politics to sociology.

Why did you choose Kent?

I had always wanted to go to university and visited Kent when I was a Year 10 student at secondary school. I remember just falling in love with the campus – it seemed like a really exciting place to study. Kent also has a very good reputation, particularly in English.

Why did you choose English as a subject?

Although English wasn’t my strongest subject at school, I knew it would be a course that would hold my attention for three years. I was also attracted to the diversity of the programme offered at Kent – it seemed to encompass everything. English and American Literature is so much more than just reading. You have the opportunity to learn about so many different subjects, from history and politics to sociology.

How is the course going?

I love it. You begin with a broad overview of literature in the first year and, as the course progresses, the choice of modules widens so you can really pursue your interests. I particularly enjoy the seminars. They are very open and we always get a good discussion going. I did find the transition from A level to university quite hard initially. It was a big adjustment for me. However, help is always there if you need it.

What about your lecturers?

They’ve been wonderful. Their excitement and enthusiasm for the subject is infectious and motivates you to do well. The lecturers are all so approachable and always encourage you to ask questions. The feedback you receive on your coursework is very constructive, too. You feel you are being enabled to fulfil your potential.

What is the level of support like in your studies?

The contact you get from staff in the School of English is brilliant. During the first year, I needed some help with my writing skills and sought advice from an adviser in the School. I also attended writing skills workshops run by the Student Learning Advisory Service. The support available here is endless.

Which part of the course have you most enjoyed?

I have developed a real passion for Chaucer and my favourite modules have focused on the medieval period. The Chaucer-based modules in particular have been so interesting. They are not just about reading; you get the chance to look at history, influence and context. There is just so much going on.

I also enjoyed The Contemporary module in the second year. The reading material we studied was very broad – articles, poems, even

a court case. We were encouraged to ask questions about what literature really is, which I found fascinating.

What do you think of the facilities on campus?

I couldn’t live without the library. It has everything you need and the staff are always on hand to help. The library has silent, quiet and communal areas for study, so you can place yourself where you need to be for your work. I use the School of English undergraduate common room a lot, too. It’s a great place to read a book and relax.

On campus, there are great sports facilities on your doorstep and lots of societies to choose from. Socially, it’s an exciting place to be.

What are your plans for the future?

I’ve applied for a place on the Master’s course in Medieval and Early Modern Studies at Kent. I’ve enjoyed it so much here and I’m not ready to leave just yet. I have found a subject I’m passionate about and simply don’t want to stop learning. After that, I might consider further study or a career in teaching. English is so diverse, I don’t feel limited to a particular career choice. I’m very lucky, the door is wide open for me.

What advice would you give to a prospective student?

Make the most of your time here because the three years will fly by. There is a great sense of community at Kent so be approachable and just enjoy it – you will constantly meet new people and make lots of friends. Finally, ask for help if you need it. Everyone just wants to help you to do the very best you can.