Vanessa Voong

Business and Management with a Year in Industry

The Year in Industry gave me a real insight into how companies function and helped me to discover my strengths and passions

What attracted you to studying Business & Management at Kent?

I was looking for a course with a year in industry. What sold me on Kent was its high ranking in student experience. It was a great comfort to me that there were international students at Kent who were also away from home for the first time. Kent’s proximity to London and mainland Europe, and the variety of scholarship options, made it my top choice.

How have you found the course?

I now have a good overview of the various functions that comprise a business. Our course directors regularly update the programme based on up-to-date and relevant practices in business, which enhances our learning.

Which module have you enjoyed the most, and why?

Managing Retail Locations – we had to analyse how effective a retailer was at visual merchandising and how it fitted in with their brand image. It was a subject we could all relate to and led to interesting discussions. I also enjoyed a module about business information systems, in which we considered what gives businesses a competitive edge over their rivals and looked at emerging technology and its potential uses in business.

How would you describe your lecturers and how are you supported in your studies?

My lecturers are passionate, friendly and great fun. They’re always ready with some advice when I drop by with any questions.

How would you describe your fellow students?

We are a diverse student body, coming from so many backgrounds. Being among the top five universities in the UK for student experience says a lot. My peers are happy, passionate and motivated.

How are you enjoying your Year in Industry? Where are you working and what are you doing?

I’m having a wonderful time. The placement team may have to drag me back to university when the new term starts! I am working in Human Resources with IBM, specifically in talent management, focusing on the organisation’s current and future leaders. I am based in the UK head office in London, so I have been enjoying and experiencing the lifestyle that comes with working in one of the liveliest cities in the world.

How do you think it will help you in your studies and your future career?

It has given me a real insight into how companies function and the types of roles that are available. This has helped me to understand what my business interests are and provide direction for my final year of studies. It has also helped me to discover my strengths and passions.

What kind of career do you hope to follow when you leave?

I would like to work in the hotel management and tourism industry. I have been inspired by my international experiences and a project at work, which involved event management with a hotel, and was a hugely enjoyable experience.

Any advice to students thinking of studying at Kent?

University is the period people call the best time of your life. I chose Kent because I believed I would have a memorable time as a student here – the people make the place, and I have met so many wonderful people, so I would recommend taking that into consideration when making your choice.