Emily Jarrett

Psychology - BSc

Something made me choose Kent and it turned out brilliantly for me. I had such a great time and loved my course (Psychology).

Why was Kent a good choice for you?

I remember calling up several places and ending up with Kent and one other as my best options. I was really pleased with those options as I hadn't expected to have Kent as a possibility. Something made me choose Kent even though I didn't know much about it at the time - and it turned out brilliantly for me. I had such a great time, loved my course (Psychology) and I still enjoy going back to visit Canterbury now.

How did you feel at the time?

At the time I was actually really pleased - I  initially hadn't expected to be able to find anywhere as well-regarded as Kent through Clearing. It hadn't been a surprise to me that I was likely to have to go through Clearing, so on the day I was prepared and just focused on doing what I needed to do. Once it was all sorted I just remember being so relieved, and very happy with how things had turned out .

What advice would you give to someone going through Clearing?

Easier said than done, but try to keep a clear head and stay organised. Create a list of the places you want to call, and have pen and paper to hand so that as you call up different places you can make notes whilst you're on the phone with them - otherwise it'll all start to blend together in your memory! Remember what was most important to you about choosing a university/course and prioritise those things. And don't forget to take time to think. Clearing can seem like a crazy hurry, but it's important to give enough thought to your decisions.

Tell us about your career since graduating from Kent.

I went on do study an MSc in Organisational Psychology in London, and since then have been working as a business psychologist in one form or another. My first 'proper' job was in the field of psychometric assessment, and over the past 3-2 years I've gradually moved into the area of employee wellbeing - I'm currently Lead Psychologist for a mental wellness company.