Dario Sabbioni

Political Strategy and Communication MA

Studying at BSIS, you get the best teaching experience and the right opportunities to develop the best career possible.

What attracted you to this particular programme?

I chose this Master’s programme as I wanted a degree which would give me the skills to enter the job market in the capital of Europe. Studying in Brussels, with the countless events in the institutions and the many training opportunities offered by the School, definitely made it the best choice.

What careers advice did you receive at Kent?

We had very interesting career workshops with Elizabeth van den Bergh, who is an expert trainer on career coaching. Since the job market in Brussels is pretty narrow, and mostly focused on public affairs and more ‘institutional’ jobs, it is very easy to create your own career path. Talking with the right people, with extensive experience in EU affairs, was the best advice for my career.

What did you gain from the course?

I gained hands-on experience of EU politics, which is exactly what I was aiming for. The realm of EU politics is a complex environment and the only way to be successful is to understand it profoundly. Before my BSIS experience, I was ‘lost’ in front of the many acronyms, public figures and institutional mechanisms. At the end of the course, I was able to grasp the complex interrelations between the many different players.

I had a great deal of fun with colleagues and other expats working and studying in Brussels. We created a small community of people living together in the surroundings of the BSIS, which made it possible for us to study together and to share also our free time.

What advice can you offer potential students of BSIS?

In today’s world we need to adapt to the different aspects of social and political life. My awareness and experience of this was definitely heightened by my course at Kent. Studying at BSIS, you get the best teaching experience and the right opportunities to develop the best career possible. Since graduation, I have worked in a variety of positions before joining the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and have just started my first diplomatic posting in Ankara, Turkey.