Khawar Naveed Bhatti

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

The MBA has positioned me to succeed in management by providing me with the tools, theories and techniques needed.

What attracted you to the MBA at Kent Business School?

I studied banking and finance at undergraduate level and felt that I needed a wider perspective for management which could be gained through doing an MBA. The course structure and the modules were geared towards innovation and entrepreneurship.

What did you particularly enjoy about your studies/time here?

My fellow MBA students were an absolute joy to work with and the weather is amazing. The nature around the campus is incredible and being away from the city is good for health. Most of all, the sense of community among all postgraduate students created an excellent environment for work and fun.

Which modules did you enjoy the most and why?

Personally, I enjoyed studying financial analysis for decision-making, because it took my existing knowledge and gave it qualitative depth. Working on Excel models in business analytics was a lot of fun.

What about the teaching?

The teaching has been excellent; all modules were taught in an interactive way which allowed for healthy discussion within the MBA suite.  

How would you describe your fellow students?

Encouraging, fun, hard-working and friendly.

What are the facilities like?

All facilities are top-notch; the University is dedicated to sustainable development together with providing students with the best experience.

How does postgraduate study differ from undergraduate study?

Perspective! When I was doing my undergraduate degree, I was focused on the degree in a specific field because I did not have a wider world view which I expect is true for most undergrads.

What is the level of support like here for postgraduates?

The University of Kent has a brilliant infrastructure to support all students not only in their studies but in general, including mental health, career support and wellbeing. The Kent Graduate Student Association (KGSA), supported by the University, arranges activities year-round to engage students socially as well.

Did you gain any industry experience during your studies?

Some of the modules were marked around live case studies. The University also arranged for lectures and workshops around world issues. 

How do you think your studies at Kent will affect your employment prospects?

The MBA has positioned me to succeed in management by providing me with the tools, theories and techniques needed, combined with project experience from working on tight deadlines, be it as a corporate entrepreneur or working on my own venture.

What are you planning to do next?

In the short term, I am looking to continue to climb the ladder in banking. In terms of the future…. watch out 2025!

Any advice for those thinking about taking this course?

The University provides all the resources needed to achieve your goals, but the only one who can decide whether you succeed is you! Set your goals before starting your studies and make sure to use all the resources available at Kent to maximise your effort.