Cally Choy

Marketing MSc

I enjoyed doing presentations. The experience helped me to build confidence gradually and was also great practice for structuring and pitching ideas to my manager.

Why did you choose to study at Kent Business School?

I completed my undergraduate degree in Business Administration at Kent in 2017. As Kent Business School (KBS) has always been one of the top business schools in the UK, with its excellent teaching staff and facilities, KBS was naturally my first choice when deciding to continue to study.

What attracted you to your programme of study?

I liked the scope of topics covered in the programme. This included finance and accounting, digital marketing, international marketing, human resources, and marketing research. The programme allowed me to expand my knowledge of the different parts of marketing and explore my area of interest.

What support did you receive as a student?

Lecturers at KBS were extremely helpful and always willing to help with assignments and answer any marketing questions. KBS organised a range of different activities and seminars to allow us to learn more about marketing, not only from books but by listening to various professional speakers.

How does a postgraduate degree differ from your previous studies?

A postgraduate degree is more comprehensive and in-depth. Although I had learned about finance and accounting, human resource management and international marketing from my undergraduate degree, my postgraduate studies enhanced my understanding of different topics extensively. By doing a postgraduate degree that was coursework based, rather than exam-focused, I was able to improve my research skills and analytical thinking.

What areas of study have you most enjoyed and why?

I enjoyed doing presentations. The experience helped me to build confidence gradually and was also great practice for structuring and pitching ideas to my manager.

What are the facilities like in your School and on campus generally?

The facilities at KBS are great. The Sibson building meant I could easily attend lectures, work with my teammates on projects, focus on work as well as relax, all in one place.  

What are you doing now?

I am working as a Content Marketing and Social Media Specialist at a software company where I plan to continue to enrich my knowledge of social media and begin training in PR.

How do you think your studies at Kent have affected your career prospects?

Postgraduate study has enabled me to consolidate my knowledge and passion for marketing. The MSc Marketing programme has enabled me to understand which areas I am good at. It helped me to shape my future career path significantly. My presentation, research and analytical skills, developed during my studies, are all very useful in my career today.  

Any advice for those thinking about taking a postgraduate degree at Kent?

If you are interested in marketing or are thinking about a marketing career, you should try the postgraduate programme at KBS where there are fantastic teaching staff and excellent support and facilities. By studying on the MSc Marketing programme, you will broaden your horizons and knowledge in marketing and develop technical skills which are useful for employability