Rachel Canclini Kettle

International Development MA

BSIS brings a diverse student set together, in a small setting and fascinating city. I learned a lot from my classmates, and some of my best friends today are from my class.

Why did you choose BSIS?

I received a Rotary International scholarship to study outside of the U.S. and BSIS was the best choice! I was able to live and study in a Francophone country again but do my degree in English from a reputable university in England. On top of that, I was able to live and work in the capital of the EU.

What’s the best thing about studying in Brussels?

The people. BSIS brings a diverse student set together, in a small setting and fascinating city. I learned a lot from my classmates, and some of my best friends today are from my class. I have also met up with classmates all over the world!

What job are you doing now?

I recently started my own business as an independent consultant for organisations that need support in strategic communications, grants, and/or designing effective programming in the social impact space (https://rckettleconsulting.com). I love being able to use my skills to work with several different organisations all over the world. I also love the flexibility being a consultant has given me, as I became a mum in 2020.

Briefly describe your career journey since BSIS

Through the BSIS networks, I began as an advocacy and communications intern with World Vision International - a humanitarian and development International non-governmental organisation (INGO) in Brussels. After my degree, I continued to work for them in Brussels and then in the United Kingdom focusing on communications and EU grant management.

From 2016– 2020, I worked in Myanmar with INGOs addressing both the humanitarian and development needs. I have covered areas such as M&E, communications and grant acquisition. I also participated in senior management teams providing strategic direction and localisation efforts for a country office. 

What advice would you give a current student/graduating student?

Let BSIS challenge and sharpen you, through the professors, your classmates and your studies. Looking back, BSIS provided a perspective that my friends who work in the same field as me but studied in the US did not receive. I am grateful for that difference and how it influences my work. Also, take one step at a time. I look back and wonder how I got here, and I realise it was by taking the next step in the general direction I want to move in, even when I am not certain what the future might hold.