EU External Relations MA
Anything you watch on the news about the EU agenda happens right in front of you.
I graduated from an international research university in Turkey that was offering an educational system based on high international standards and compatible with those of British universities. I also had a short working experience in the European Commission a couple of years ago, after which I began to make plans to come back to Brussels. BSIS was the perfect match for my academic background and my desire to get deeper with EU matters. Also, the EU External Relations programme stood out very positively among other EU-related programmes offered throughout Europe with its “external” dimension and with the strong profile of professors teaching in BSIS.
Finally, I was a Jean Monnet scholar. The experience of BSIS staff in dealing with scholarship matters, their excellent communication with students and the rapid evaluation process impressed me.
Anything you watch on the news about the EU agenda happens right in front of you and you get involved with them at some point in your daily life. You feel that you are a natural part of the EU business. Also, you become more curious to learn about the different dynamics and mechanisms that keep alive such a multi-cultural environment, along with the challenges and benefits it brings.
I am working in the Ministry of Treasury and Finance of Turkey where I had been working for 16 years before starting to study at BSIS. After I graduated from BSIS, I moved to Istanbul from Ankara and started to work in the investor relations department of the same Ministry. I continue to have the opportunity to reflect on what I have learned in BSIS.
So many things change in your life and you have all the power to make the best out of these changes. Give yourself a good deal of time to get used to your new environment, including the one in BSIS. The FDR modules and seminars will save you from all the trouble you might have with the educational system in case you find it unfamiliar. Please do not underestimate these modules.