The aim of this module is to provide the students with the understanding of how the human body can be represented as a mechanical system and then analysed using principles of mechanics. For example the module explains how muscles and joints act as structures to provide equilibrium or generate movement. To achieve this, the module introduces firstly the concepts of statics, dynamics and mechanisms, and subsequently the module shows how these concepts can be applied to analyse the human body as a mechanical system.
Total contact hours: 38
Private study hours: 112
Total study hours: 150
• Exam 2 hours 75%
• Lab report 10% - typically 5 A4 pages
• Assignment 15%- typically 4 A4 pages
• Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Mechanics – Costanza, Plesha and Gray, Mc Graw Hill, 2012,
• Meriam Engineering Mechanics: Statics SI Version, by J. L. Meriam ,? L. G. Kraige ,John Wiley & Sons; International student edition (8 Jan. 2008)
• Kinematics, Dynamics, and Design of Machinery, by Kenneth J. Waldron,? Gary L. Kinzel ,? Sunil K. Agrawal,Wiley-Blackwell; 3rd Edition (10 Jun. 2016)
1. demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the fundamental principles of statics and dynamics.
2. demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the fundamental principles of machinery.
3. describe a mechanical system using mathematical models.
4. apply mechanics analysis for solving problems involving particles and rigid bodies.
5. demonstrate familiarity with the applications of mechanics to biology and physiology
6. solve engineering problems by reducing them to their parts and applying scientific analysis.
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