This module is not currently running in 2024 to 2025.
This module introduces students to the logic and methods of social research. It aims to familiarize students with central topics in research design and the ethics of social research so that they can apply this knowledge to their understanding of fields of social and public policy. The module introduces students to both positivist and critical/interpretive approaches and the debates behind their selection for conducting research. It will invite them to consider how research questions are generated and answered. It will enable students to identify common mistakes in the social research methods used to develop sector relevant policy and how to effectively and systematically address issues. Topics will also include: ethics and informed consent; sampling for qualitative and quantitative research; methods of primary and secondary data collection, methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis. It will give them an opportunity to learn and practise introductory skills in the collection and analysis of qualitative and quantitative data.
Total contact hours: 15
Private study hours: 185
Total study hours: 200
Advanced Child Protection (Distance learning) MA
Main assessment methods
Coursework - Written assignment critique of Research Article (2000 words) - 55%
Coursework - Group Presentation - Research Design - 30%
Coursework - online forum contribution – 15%.
Reassessment methods
100% coursework.
Becker, S., & Bryman, A. (Eds.). (2004). Understanding Research for Social Policy and Practice. Bristol: Policy Press.
Bryman, A. (2016). Social Research Methods. Fifth edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Cresswell, J. W. (2007). Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design. London: Sage.
Fielding, J. L., & Gilbert, G. N. (2006). Understanding Social Statistics. London: Sage.
Gilbert, N.G. (2015) Researching social life, fourth edition. London: Sage.
White, P (2017). Developing Research Questions, London,: Palgrave Macmillan
See the library reading list for this module (Canterbury)
See the library reading list for this module (Medway)
The intended subject specific learning outcomes.
On successfully completing the module students will be able to:
8.1 Have systematic understanding and critical awareness of the main types of social research that are used in fields of social and public policy (positivist, interpretative; qualitative, quantitative; inductive, deductive; observational, experimental, participative, action, and visual).
8.2 Examine the importance of clear research questions and robust research designs.
8.3 Have systematic understanding and critical awareness of the ethical issues raised by social research.
8.4 Be able to critically assess the methodological choices made in published research studies.
8.5 Use a comprehensive understanding of appropriate techniques to critically assess whether the design of a research project is appropriate for answering its questions.
8.6 Have a systematic understanding and critical awareness of the main approaches to the analysis of qualitative (grounded and deductive coding) and quantitative (descriptive and inferential statistics) data.
The intended generic learning outcomes.
On successfully completing the module students will be able to:
9.1 Systematically communicate research results to academic and general audiences at a high level
9.2 Demonstrate self-direction and originality in managing their time, prioritise workloads and manage stress as well taking independent responsibility for their learning and professional development.
9.3 Access and evaluate ICT and library based resources appropriate for postgraduate study; make critical judgments about their merits and use the available evidence to construct and communicate a developed argument
9.4 Have a comprehensive understanding of appropriate techniques enabling them to demonstrate self-direction and originality in solving problems that are common in social research.
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