The aim of this module is to focus on contemporary child protection policies and practice and provide the current legal context for child protection. In particular it will discuss policy and practice following the Munro Review (2011) and it will draw upon the implications of inter-professional and interdisciplinary research, theory and practice pre- and post- Baby Peter Connelly. The module will focus upon key agencies in child protection and practitioner communication skills. Students will be introduced to the Centre's child protection simulation, 'Rosie 2', where they will have the opportunity to analyse the different skills of practitioners involved in child protection practice.
Total contact hours: 32
Private study hours: 168
Total study hours: 200 hours
Advanced Child Protection (Distance Learning) MA
Main assessment methods
Coursework – essay (5000 words) – 85%
Coursework - online forum participation – 15%
The written assignment must be passed in order for the module to be passed overall
Reassessment methods
100% coursework.
Ayre, P. & Preston-Shoot, M. (2010) Children's Services at the Crossroads.
Broadhurst et al (2009) Safeguarding Children; Critical Perspectives. Wiley Blackwell
Broadhurst et al (2010) Ten pitfalls and how to avoid them. What research tells us" NSPCC Inform
Kellet, M. (2011) Children's perspectives on integrated services.
Munro, E. (2011) The Munro Review of Child Protection; Final Report
Working Together to Safeguard Children: A guide to inter-agency working (Department for Children, Schools and Families [DCSF], 2010)
See the library reading list for this module (Canterbury)
The intended subject specific learning outcomes.
On successfully completing the module students will be able to:
8.1 To have critical awareness and systematic understanding of child protection policy and practice in the pre and post Munro era and be able
to outline the implications of this Report for agencies involved in child protection.
8.2 Recognise and evaluate the relationship between agency policies and professional responses in child protection and have a systematic
knowledge of the issues associated across professional boundaries and identify factors that facilitate inter-professional collaboration and
8.3 Possess a systematic knowledge and critical awareness of the consequences of child protection and safeguarding policies and practice
for children, their families, wider society and agencies.
8.4 Demonstrate effective understanding of universal and discipline specific skills in working together in child protection and safeguarding
practice and be able to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the application of these skills and the consequences of not using them.
8.5 Express systematic and critical awareness of values and ethics in child protection practice.
8.6 Critically evaluate skills in child protection in terms of a given scenario from the Serious Game.
8.7 Analyse and communicate to an advanced level the risks posed by a new generation child abuse situations online and critically assess
the validity of research into the incidence of online child protection and the skills and policies needed to combat them
The intended generic learning outcomes.
On successfully completing the module students will be able to:
9.1 Demonstrate advanced level communication skills commensurate with postgraduate study and the ability to interpret and use research
and empirical data at an advanced level .
9.2 Collect,collate and interpret on a systematic basis library and web based research and resources on child protection issues to an
advanced level appropriate for postgraduate study.
9.3 Be able to synthesise and systematically evaluate complex knowledge and theoretical perspectives from different disciplines and
9.4 Use IT resources to achieve a systematic and critical awareness of the material provided in recorded online lectures and in web based
9.5 Summarise the material used for private study on a systematic, critical and coherent fashion in order to contribute critically and with
originality to web based discussions.
9.6 Work systematically with others during study days and in online forums to prepare and critically discuss complex topics.
9.7 Organise and manage their studying independently and with originality with online and phone support from their tutors.
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