The module will systematically explore common logical and psychological barriers to understanding and critically analysing empirical research. Major topics to be considered include common fallacies of deductive and inductive reasoning, judgmental heuristics relevant to evaluating empirical research claims, essentials of a scientific method, misleading statistical and graphical techniques, establishing genuine associations, the role of inferential statistics for identifying illusory associations, essentials of causal inference, threats to the validity of experimental and non experimental research.
The module will be taught by lecture/seminars and private study.
Total Contact Hours: 22
Private Study Hours: 128
Compulsory to Business Psychology BSc and Business Psychology with a Placement Year BSc Optional to other Psychology undergraduate programmes.
Available as an elective module. Available to Short Term Credit students, subject to school and/or module convenor approval.
Essay 2,000 words 40%
Exam 2 hours 60%
Reassessment methods: Like for Like.
Reading List (Indicative list, current at time of publication. Reading lists will be published annually)
David A. Levy. (1997). Tools of Critical Thinking. Needham, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Theodore Schick, Jr. & Lewis Vaughn (2004). How to think about weird things: Critical thinking for a new age (4th edition). Boston: McGraw-Hill.
Darrell Huff (1954). How to Lie with Statistics. New York: Norton.
Keith E. Stanovich (2004). How to Think Straight about Psychology (7th edition). Boston: Allyn-Bacon.
See the library reading list for this module (Canterbury)
The intended subject specific learning outcomes. On successfully completing the module students will be able to:
8.1 Acquire essential skills required by consumers of psychological or behavioural research
8.2 Recognise common threats to internal validity of experimental studies
8.3 Demonstrate skill in recognising when sufficient information has been provided to establish predictive and causal relationships
8.4 Recognise and critically evaluate common ways of using statistics and graphs to inform and to misinform
8.5 Demonstrate familiarity with typical flaws in non-experimental research (including survey, evaluation research, quasi-experimental designs)
8.6 Develop skills in the critical analysis of psychological research claims.
8.7 Develop awareness of how evidence can relate to society
8.8 Develop understanding of the range of approaches available for evaluating evidence for applying psychology
The intended generic learning outcomes. On successfully completing the module students will be able to:
9.1 Demonstrate skill in distinguishing between questions that can and cannot be addressed empirically and scientifically
9.2 Develop skills in the critical analysis of any empirical research claim
9.3 Show appreciation and understanding of the variety of empirical and methodological approaches used in psychology
9.4 Self-reflect on constructive feedback from staff in order to improve understanding and academic performance
9.5 Develop independent learning and research skills required to support academic learning and development
9.6 Develop self-regulation skills in the form of study planning and overall time management
9.7 Develop information technology skills required to obtain key learning resources (e.g., use of online journals and learning resources as directed by lecturer).
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