Integrated Species Conservation and Management - DICE8360

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Module delivery information

This module is not currently running in 2024 to 2025.


Tackling conservation problems at the species level of organisation is both attractive and popular. In order to achieve this, it is important to understand how 'species' are defined and how they have evolved and gone extinct over evolutionary time scales. Certain species may be used to provide political or financial leverage in conservation programmes, while others may play fundamental roles in ecological systems – students will evaluate the different criteria used to assign species into these categories. This will lead into an appraisal of the role of conservation genetics in conservation planning, and how genetic and population parameters can be used to build predictive models of extinction risk. Islands provide special challenges for practitioners of species conservation – these will be discussed and illustrated with the aid of case studies. Assigning priorities in species conservation is essential to the planning process when resources are in short supply, and various quantitative and qualitative methods of achieving this will be presented, including the IUCN Red List system. The role of organisations such as NGOs and zoos will be discussed and evaluated, and current protocols for captive breeding, health monitoring, translocation and reintroduction presented. The module will draw together the various approaches to species conservation by appraising the structure, function and implementation of species recovery programmes.

Please note that this module includes a residential field-trip (subject to availability).


Contact hours

Total contact hours: 30

Private study hours: 120

Total study hours: 150


MSc Conservation and cognate pathways


The cost of transport from campus to the airport, return flight to Jersey and full-board accommodation in Jersey, is covered by the University. This module has no additional costs, however please check the further details on the travel/accommodation arrangements which are found in a separate document on Moodle/DICE8360 with regard to paying for luggage in the hold. If you have any concerns regarding your personal finance, please see the Access to Learning Fund information using the link below: r contact Kent Union Advice Centre.
NB *Students choosing both field trip modules DICE8360 and DICE8850 will be required to pay a £200 supplement*

Method of assessment

Written Assignment (80%)*
Class Test (20%) - 15-20 short answer questions – 1 hour.

*This element is pass compulsory and must be passed to achieve the learning outcomes of the module.

Reassessment Instrument: 100% coursework.

Indicative reading

Please see readinglists@kent

See the library reading list for this module (Canterbury)

Learning outcomes

On successfully completing the module students will be able to:
1. understand the concept of the species as a unit for conservation action and how this relates to wider biodiversity management within both natural and social sciences;
2. understand the use of surrogate species in conservation;
3. understand genetic management in species conservation programmes;
4. understand how to measure the risk of extinction;
5. understand recovery programme design, including translocations and captive breeding;


  1. ECTS credits are recognised throughout the EU and allow you to transfer credit easily from one university to another.
  2. The named convenor is the convenor for the current academic session.
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