Independent Project - ARTS5000

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Module delivery information

Location Term Level1 Credits (ECTS)2 Current Convenor3 2024 to 2025
Spring Term 6 30 (15) Angie Varakis-Martin checkmark-circle


The module gives School of Arts students across a range of undergraduate programmes the opportunity to undertake a written independent research project at stage 3.
Students who wish to take the module must approach a permanent academic member of staff with a proposal, typically in advance of module registration, during the Spring term of the previous year. Students pick a research topic of their choice; however, students are only allowed to register for the module with the permission of a staff member who has agreed to supervise the project, and who has the expertise to do so. Potential supervisors must also ensure before they agree to supervise a project that the resources required to complete the project will be available to the student, and that adequate supervisory support will be available to the student throughout their study on the module.

Students will be supported in the preparation and submission of their work by their supervisor, although a central expectation of the module is that students will take increasing responsibility for their learning, consistent with expectations of Level 6 study.


Contact hours

Contact hours: 6
Private study hours: 294
Total study hours: 300

Method of assessment

Main assessment methods

Independent Project (6000) (100%)

Reassessment methods

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Indicative reading

Indicative Reading List

Derek Swetnam, Writing Your Dissertation: A Guide to Planning, Preparing and Presenting First Class Work, Oxford: How To Books, 2001.

See the library reading list for this module (Canterbury)

Learning outcomes

The intended subject specific learning outcomes.
On successfully completing the module students will be able to:

1. Develop the ability to identify and articulate a research project appropriate for Level 6 undergraduate study in their subject area;
2. Successfully realised a research project appropriate for advanced undergraduate (Level 6) study in their area;
3. Develop an in depth understanding of, and put into practice, research methods appropriate to study in their subject area;
4. Deepen their systematic understanding of a particular topic of scholarship in their subject area;
5. Produce a sustained piece of work that critically analyses the project topic in a way appropriate to the subject.

The intended generic learning outcomes.
On successfully completing the module students will be able to:

1. Demonstrate the abilities of initiative, planning, and time-management needed to successfully initiate, develop and realise an independent undergraduate research project in the Arts;
2. Demonstrate generic research skills, typically including the ability to use primary and secondary source material, and appropriate description, analysis, evaluation and argument;
3. Demonstrate high level skills of written expression, including the ability to express complex ideas clearly and concisely, to focus and organise arguments effectively, and to support their research though appropriate presentation and referencing


  1. Credit level 6. Higher level module usually taken in Stage 3 of an undergraduate degree.
  2. ECTS credits are recognised throughout the EU and allow you to transfer credit easily from one university to another.
  3. The named convenor is the convenor for the current academic session.
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