These documents are best viewed on a desktop PC or a laptop.
Specification documents are listed in alphabetical order.
The course specification looks a little bit different but still contains the main information that might be relevant on each of the tabs:
- Overview gives general details about the changes to the course.
- Compulsory Modules lists compulsory modules that must be taken by every student on the course.
- Details about your course provides important information about the course, such as teaching site, number of credits etc.
- Course Learning Outcomes contains information about knowledge and understanding, qualities, skills that you will achieve upon successful completion of the course.
- Optional Modules gives information about potential optional modules that you may study. If your course consists of compulsory modules only, this tab will not be visible to you.
Not all foundation course variants are listed separately as the completed foundation year remains unchanged. Please refer to the main subject specification for details.
Accounting and Finance - BSc (Hons) XLS
Accounting and Finance and Economics - BSc (Hons) XLS
Actuarial Science - BSc (Hons) XLS
Advanced Legal Practice - MLaw XLS
Ancient History - BA (Hons) XLS
Ancient, Medieval and Modern History - BA (Hons) XLS
Architecture - BA (Hons) XLS
Architecture - MARch-TBC
Astronomy, Space Science and Astrophysics - BSc (Hons), MPhys XLS
Biochemistry - BSc (Hons) XLS
Biology - BSc (Hons) XLS
Biomedical Engineering - BSc (Hons) XLS
Biomedical Science - BSc (Hons) XLS
Business Analytics and Management - BSc (Hons) XLS
Business and Management [Canterbury campus] - BSc (Hons) XLS
Business and Management [Medway campus] - BSc (Hons) XLS
Business and Marketing - BSc (Hons) XLS
Business Information Technology - BSc (Hons) XLS
Chemistry - BSc (Hons), MChem XLS
Classical and Archaeological Studies - BA (Hons) XLS
Classical Studies - BA (Hons) XLS
Computer Science - BSc (Hons) XLS
Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) - BSc (Hons) XLS
Computer Science (Cyber Security) - BSc (Hons) XLS
Criminology - BA (Hons) XLS
Criminology and Sociology - BA (Hons) XLS
Criminology with Quantitative Research - BA (Hons) XLS
Ecology and Conservation - BSc (Hons) XLS
Economics - BSc (Hons) XLS
Economics and Management - BSc (Hons) XLS
Economics and Politics - BSc (Hons) XLS
Electrical and Electronic Engineering - BEng (Hons), MEng XLS
Electronic and Computer Engineering - BEng (Hons), MEng XLS
English Language and Linguistics - BA (Hons) XLS
English Literature - BA (Hons) XLS
English Literature and Creative Writing - BA (Hons) XLS
English Literature and English Language and Linguistics - BA (Hons) XLS
Management with a Foundation Year - BSc (Hons) XLS
Marketing with a Foundation Year - BSc (Hons) XLS
Mathematics - BSc (Hons) XLS
Mechanical Engineering - BEng (Hons) XLS
Media - BA (Hons) XLS
Military History - BA (Hons) XLS
Modern Languages - BA (Hons) XLS
Modern Languages and Management - BA (Hons) XLS