Building security
Some buildings are secured using electromechanical locks and are fitted with card access control readers. This means building access can be sufficiently monitored and controlled.
University of Kent CCTV Policy
The operation and management of CCTV equipment at the University of Kent meets the requirements of the Data Protection Act (1998) and the CCTV Code of Practice issued by the Information Commissioners Office. Please refer to the University of Kent CCTV Policy for further information.
Security Patrols
Campus Security staff regularly patrol the campuses and you will see them on foot, in the dedicated security vehicle, or even riding the Campus Security bikes. Staff are always available to provide advice and guidance on security matters, or to help you find your way around campus.
Campus Security are there to help you, so please help them. Your information may prevent or solve a crime or incident.
Operating access control doors in an emergency situation (such as power failure or fire)
In emergency situations or power failures, card access doors can be overridden by following the instructions below.
Card access locks are operated using electricity and will ‘fail safe’ when the power isn't there. This means that they will not work in their usual way but can be manually operated. You should never be in the situation where you are stuck in a room or corridor. There are two types of system:
- A green box on the wall on the inside of the door. If the break-glass within the box is pressed in, the door will unlock and revert to a manual door.
- Metal thumb-turn or handle which once turned will allow the door to be manually pushed open.
If you have the break-glass type and activate it, please can you ensure you report this to Customer Services as soon as reasonably possible, otherwise once the power is restored the door will be permanently unlocked.
Please note that once the power is turned back on, there will be a slight delay before the door returns to normal operation as it needs to go through a ‘power up’ sequence.
Key control
All keys are stored in a secure ‘Traka’ key cabinet. ‘Traka’ is an intelligent, electronic key management system which is capable of monitoring and recording key usage. The system can also provide the following information:
- Date and time keys are issued and to whom
- Identity of keys which have not been returned by their specified time limit
- Statistics on key usage
Keys are liked to a Traka iFob which contains a chip and electronic ID.
All keys are permanently attached to the iFob and are assigned to one of the numbered ports within the cabinet.
Only authorised personnel will be issued with keys from the secure cabinet. Each user will need to be registered on the system and programmed with access to draw out the selection of keys they require.