Action Counters Terrorism

Action Counters Terrorism (ACT) banner

The University has commenced Action Counters Terrorism (ACT) training for all staff. A series of seminars was held for staff at the strategic and operational level whilst e-learning is being rolled out to all staff across the University. Below are some key headings but for more information contact the Head of Security.

Report suspicious activity

If you’ve seen or heard something that could potentially be related to terrorism, trust your instincts and report it. Your actions could save lives.

You can report this:

Or if you suspect an immediate danger, please move away and call 999 now.

What should I report?

Like other criminals, terrorists need to plan. They need to prepare, buy and store materials, and find ways to fund their activities. Much of this is done in plain view of the public with some areas of activity including:


  • Do you know someone who travels but is vague about where they are going?
  • Do you know someone with multiple passports in different names?
  • Do you know someone who looks at extremist material or shares or creates content that glorifies terrorism?
  • Have you noticed somebody promoting hateful ideas or extremist views?

Gathering materials

  • Have you noticed someone receiving deliveries for unusual items?
  • If you work in commercial vehicle hire or sales, has a sale or rental seemed unusual?
  • Have you noticed someone buying large amounts of chemicals or gas cylinders for no reason?
  • Have you noticed someone acquiring illegal firearms?

Storing materials

  • Have you noticed anyone storing large amounts of chemicals, fertilisers, or gas cylinders for no reason?
  • Have you noticed anyone storing firearms which could be used for an attack?
  • Have you noticed anyone conducting hostile reconnaissance?
  • Observation and surveillance help terrorists plan attacks. Have you noticed anyone taking photos and observing CCTV or security arrangements?


  • Cheque and credit card fraud are ways of generating cash. Have you noticed any unusual bank transactions?

Further information about suspicious activity can be found at

ACT - communities defeat terrorism

What should I do if I find extremist content online or am concerned about someone’s extremist views?

If you see online graphic or violent extremist material or content that supports, directs or glorifies terrorism, or If you are worried someone close to you is becoming radicalised (radicalisation is the process by which a person comes to support terrorism and extremist ideologies) act early and seek help. Please report your concerns to:

Or if this relates directly to the University, students or staff, you can also report this to:

How to ACT against extremist content

Advice to stay safe

While the chances of being caught up in a terrorist incident remain slim, it is important to be prepared and know how to protect yourself if the need arises. If you are caught up in an incident the advice is to Run, Hide, Tell.  

Run, Hide, Tell - advice to stay safe

Please also read the more detailed information on our site explaining the run, hide, tell procedure.

Remember, security is everyone’s responsibility.

Last updated