Saving electricity and gas

The two main reasons for reducing energy consumption are the need to reduce carbon emissions, and to reduce costs. The cost of electricity and gas has increased significantly for the current University year, as has the cost for off-site student accommodation. Some ideas on energy saving to reduce consumption of electricity and gas are detailed below.

General buildings

  • Where radiators are fitted with Thermostatic Radiator Valves (TRVs), a mid setting of 3 is sufficient, as this will heat a room to 21C.
  • Do not obstruct radiators.
  • If windows are opened to cool a room down please notify Commercial Services and Estates as the area may be overheated, and need to be checked. Where windows are opened to supply fresh air, please ensure they are closed when the room is vacated.
  • Report leaking hot taps to CS&E Customer Services.
  • Switch off equipment which is not used at night.
  • Switch off electrical equipment rather than leaving it on stand-by.
  • Turn off battery chargers when equipment is fully recharged.
  • Ensure lighting is turned off when not required in communal spaces and areas used by different people at different times of the day, like lecture theatres and meeting rooms.
  • Turn off lights in unoccupied rooms.
  • Turn off lights when sufficient day light is available.
  • Layer up clothing.
  • Use blinds to control heat loss in the winter and heat gain in the summer.

Student accommodation on-site

  • Where radiators are fitted with Thermostatic Radiator Valves (TRVs), a mid setting of 3 is sufficient, as this will heat a room to 21C.
  • Do not obstruct radiators.
  • If windows are opened to cool a room down please notify Commercial Services and Estates as the area may be overheated, and need to be checked. Where windows are opened to supply fresh air, please ensure they are closed when the room is vacated.
  • Report leaking hot taps to Commercial Services and Estates using the online defect reporting system.
  • Switch off equipment which is not used at night.
  • Switch off electrical equipment rather than leaving it on stand-by.
  • Turn off battery chargers when equipment is fully recharged.
  • Turn off lights in unoccupied rooms.
  • Turn off lights when sufficient day light is available.
  • Layer up clothing.
  • Use blinds to control heat loss in the winter and heat gain in the summer.

Student accommodation off-site

  • Draught-proof gaps.
  • Where radiators are fitted with Thermostatic Radiator Valves (TRVs), a mid setting of 3 is sufficient, as this will heat a room to 21C.
  • Do not obstruct radiators.
  • Wash clothes at 30 degrees if possible.
  • Avoid using the tumble dryer.
  • Ensure dishwashers have a full load when used.
  • Have a gap of 2cm behind fridges and freezers to allow the heat exchange to work more efficiently.
  • Switch off equipment which is not used at night.
  • Switch off electrical equipment rather than leaving it on stand-by.
  • Turn off battery chargers when equipment is fully recharged.
  • Turn off lights in unoccupied rooms.
  • Turn off lights when sufficient day light is available.
  • Layer up clothing.
  • Use blinds to control heat loss in the winter and heat gain in the summer.
Last updated