We are committed to taking action against all forms of racism at the University and beyond
The University of Kent recognises that, as an institution, we have a significant role to play in ensuring that we challenge and deconstruct systemic racism and all forms of discrimination at the University and beyond.
We pledge that the University will do better and be better, and strive to be a place where all individuals will feel welcome in, supported by, and proud of.
These webpages outline how we are working to actively tackle racism.
In October 2024 the University of Kent reached a major milestone in its journey towards becoming an actively anti-racist institution when it received its Bronze Race Equality Charter Award from Advance HE. You can read our application and Action Plan here.
Read the report from Unite Students on what black students across the UK had to say about 'Living Black at University' and our Living Black website for black students living at Kent
A brief overview on progress against the Anti-Racism Strategy
Senior Leadership registered Kent with the Race Equality Charter to critically examine our culture for staff and students in depth and identify areas for action and progress. Our application for Bronze status was submitted in August 2024. EG have also undertaken training on anti-racism and Equality Impact Assessments, and committed institutional resources towards the anti-racism agenda, including the expansion of Diversity Mark, Living Black at Kent and the Inclusive University module for academics.
A complete EDI Governance review was completed, resulting in the creation of the EDI Strategy Group, EDI Operations Group and EDI Forum. This is kept under constant review to ensure structures are still fit for purpose. Student and staff representatives have a seat at these tables and more work is being done to increase the diversity of thought and voice in other decision making bodies. The University funded the Black Student Voices Project and ran the REC Staff and Student Surveys; questions from this have now been embedded into the annual all-staff survey. Priorities from the Black Student Voices Report, People and Culture Strategy, Staff and Student Surveys and other forums have been included within the REC Action Plan to ensure an institutional, strategic approach. Staff Report and Support has been launched.
Student Services undertook the Diverse Cymru self-assessment for Cultural Competency in Black Mental Health services, looking critically at our ability to support black and brown students in particular and develop an action plan for improvement. We were awarded Gold status in October 2023. Campus Security reviewed the Campus Security Charter in light of student concerns, with campus security staff receiving anti-racism training. The Living Black Group was formed, which launched the Living Black at Kent guides and introduced Three Little Birds Caribbean catering onto campus.
Diversity Mark continues to expand. All academics who are completing their PGCHE are required to undertake the Inclusive University module as part of their probation period. Challenging Racism training is required for all staff as part of their probation period. Senior Managers have had Equality Impact Assessment training and work is underway to ensure diversity of curriculum is built into module templates for Kent 2030.
New staff development programmes for racially minoritised staff, including StellarHE for leadership have been introduced, A new Leadership Behaviours Framework has been created, and Report and Support for staff launched. EDI observers have been included on recruitment panels and unconscious bias training is compulsory for all recruitment panel staff members. Targeted recruitment for specific roles has also been trialled successfully, for example with the Black, Asian and African Therapy Network. #Black365 campaign and Black History Month have been run to foster a sense of inclusion and belonging, developed in collaboration with the BAME Staff Network.
A number of EDI related staff modules have been made compulsory as part of probation, including Challenging Racism. Work to ensure these are refreshed for all staff on a rolling programme is underway. Anti-racism training is built into Expect Respect (all-student module). A new Allies Network has been launched and members are being trained to ensure they can magnify voices across the University. The Leadership Behaviours Framework has been launched which includes anti-racist attributes and the Inclusive Line Manager training has been launched.
Strong links with external organisations such as the National Windrush Museum, The Beaney House of Art and Knowledge, MACA, Everyday Racism, People Dem Collective, Diverse Cymru and others have been formed. Student Success research is viewed as sector leading and has launched the Student Success University Network, providing sector-wide support for institutions developing SS interventions and research. Student Success launched the acKnowledge website, showcasing best practice in race, ethnicity pedagogy and recruitment. Kent is a founding member of HEAT (Higher Education Access Tracker).
We believe Kent should be a place where all staff and students feel safe and included. Report and Support is our tool for staff and students to report racism and other forms of discrimination, and get access to appropriate support.