November 5, 2014 – November 8, 2014 The Department of English at the University of Victoria is the host institution for the Western Literature Association's annual conference in 2014. The WLA returns to Canada after two very successful past Canadian meetings: Vancouver in 1995 and Banff in 1998. The 49th Annual Meeting of the Western Literature Association will be held just south of the 49th parallel. Fr... More
Calls for Papers/Other Conferences
Crossing Borders 2014: A Multi-Disciplinary Student Conference on the United States, Canada and Border Issue Please see this Call for Papers from our partner institution, the University of Buffalo (deadline 21 Feb 2014): UBCrossingBorders2014.pdf. More
4th November 2013
Ninth Biennial MESEA Conference May 29th – June 1st 2014 Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken Germany "Crossing Boundaries in a Post-Ethnic Era – Interdisciplinary Approaches and Negotiations" Moving into the second decade of the twenty-first century, interdisciplinary border studies are still in need of new theoretical approaches that not only move bey... More
16th September 2013
Third Biennial Conference of the International Association of Inter-American Studies Pontíficia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, Perú August 6-8, 2014 The Americas have a long history of colonialism; even the concepts 'America' and 'Americanity' date back to European expansion, invasion and conquest. As the success of the te... More
Canadian Comparative Literature Association: Congress 2014 Comparative Literature is often seen as a quixotic discipline, since it attempts to cover not only the totality of literary production around the world but also the relations between literature and such diverse fields as music, sculpture, painting, theatre, and film, to say nothing of history, sociology, anthropology, folklore, and genetics. Given its profusion of interests, one cannot help but wonde... More