What can I do with a degree in Mathematics?

Find out where the range of skills you develop studying mathematics can take you. Here we list potential careers and tell you how you can find a job in this sector.

Mathematics careers

Most areas of business and industry rely on people with good mathematical knowledge, in research and development, management, and as consultants or technicians. Some maths graduates pursue careers that closely relate to their studies; others use their degree as a stepping stone into a different careers, at some level, nearly every profession needs mathematicians and statisticians.

You may choose a career where your mathematical knowledge is not essential.  However, you will still find that the skills you acquire by studying maths - the ability to think rationally and to process data clearly and accurately - are very useful, and are highly valued by employers.

Job options

Jobs directly related to your degree include:

Jobs where you degree would be useful:

Other options that include a good element of maths include:

  • Defence and intelligence roles – see our guides on working in defence and intelligence
  • Working as a statistician (for example in the civil service)
  • Operational research (using maths to help businesses make management decisions)
  • Being an academic mathematician (working at a university to teach students and carry out your own original maths research)
  • Teaching in a primary or secondary school

Alternative graduate careers for Maths Graduates

A maths degree will actually provide you with a  platform from which to enter a range of interesting sectors:

Please use our career guides to identify some of these opportunities.

Thank you to Prospects for the content on these pages.

Other careers

Job roles that you could consider.
Use the following links to help you research about some of the following job roles

Skills gained

Studying maths helps you develop skills which are valued by employers across many job sectors such as:

  • Logical thinking
  • Problem-solving
  • Decision-making
  • Analytical Skills
  • Attention to Detail
  • Critical Thinking
  • Data Handling
  • Logic
  • Numeracy
  • Objective Thinking
  • Problem Solving


Work experience demonstrates your commitment to the career and knowledge of what is involved.
During your course, you could also use the summer holidays or evenings and weekends to get some experience through paid opportunities or voluntary work.

A number of organisations offer work experience including

Find a job

The Careers and Employability Service provides information and advice on job searching to University of Kent students and recent graduates. This includes a vacancy database advertising a range of graduate jobs, sandwich placements and vacation work/internships and online resources. The websites listed below may also be useful when searching for a job and when looking for further information on this sector. 

Maths and Statistics


Aerospace Defence



Business support services


Air Products Europe






Exploration Geophysics

Financial Services 

Food & Drink 




IT & Computing

Admiral Solutions & Support



Academic Research


Transport / Travel 


General Graduate Vacancy Sites

These will include a substantial number of vacancies in the Accounting and Finance sectors as well as vacancies with other employers. Most of these sites cover companies offering graduate jobs, internships and placement years and include background information as well as vacancies.

More websites offering graduate jobs, internships and placement years

You may also find useful reviews and application/interview tips for specific organisations on the following websites:
The Job Crowd

Last updated