Careers outside of academia (PGR Students)

Careers Outside of Academia

Postgraduate Research Students

The Job Market

 When you start to research the jobs market you may find only a limited number of opportunities that specifically request a postgraduate degree. You may find yourself applying for jobs and graduate schemes that are equally open to undergraduates. You may instinctively start by looking at graduate recruitment schemes. These are typically offered by large employers in business, finance, IT, Law, technology, engineering and the public sector. However, graduate training schemes are not the only route into a successful career, on average only a quarter of graduates will join these schemes each year. Outside of these there are plenty of opportunities where a postgraduate degree will be a requirement or an advantage and employers will value the specialist knowledge and practical skills gained during your studies.    

Direct entry advertised roles

You will find a variety of research and non-research roles advertised in the private sector, public sector and third sector  

Commercial awareness, motivation and matching the requirements of the job description all key to securing industry roles .