Michaela Guo Ying Lo

Postdoctoral Researcher in the Tropical Defaunation Hub
 Michaela Guo Ying Lo


My scholarly interest broadly focuses on the relationship between forests, human well-being, and sustainability in Indonesia. More specifically, my current work focuses on understanding how community forestry has contributed to environmental and social goals in Indonesia.
My research uses a combination of different methodological approaches, including impact evaluation, participatory visual methods, and mixed-methods with the aim of better accounting for diverse perspectives, values, and knowledge systems in environmental research.  

Research interests

  • Environmental and social impacts of land-use policy and interventions in Indonesia
  • Forest-water nexus in the tropics
  • The sustainability of food systems  


Policy representative of The Equity and Diversity for all Genders in Ecology (EDGE) network in the British Ecological Society (BES).
Early Career Advisor for the Equity and Diversity Working Group, BES  

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