Conference Schedule

All times British Summer Time

Monday 25th October:

12:15-12:30 – Welcome and Introductions
12:30-14:00 – Keynote I: Max Kölbel - “Disagreement and Truth”
14:00-14:15 – Break
14:15-16:15 – Parallel Sessions I

Room 1:

Patrick Skeels “Dynamic Might and Symmetric Disagreement”
Eric Bien
“Soothing the Sore of Suppressed Dissent: Some Aspects of Asymmetry in Disagreement”
Tammo Lossau “The Significance of Agreement Despite Irrelevant Influences”

Room 2:

Jordan Myers“Virtuous and Vicious Selective Scrutiny”
Josue Pineiro “Epistemic Peerhood and Standpoint Theory”
Giulio Pietrusti “Having a Disagreement: Expression, Persuasion, and Demand”

Room 3:

Kyle Landrum “Non-Epistemic Disagreements and the Underspecificity of Thought”
Daniel Minkin “Philosophical and Meta-Philosophical Disagreement: Some Thoughts on Third-Stage Scepticism”
Pedro Abreu and Marcin Lewinski “Challenging the Verbal and Non-Verbal Distinction”

16:15-16:30 – Break
16:30-18:30 – Parallel Sessions II

Room 1:

Guido Lohr“Real Agreement and Commitment”
Kirk Lougheed
“The Epistemology of Agreement and the Independence Thesis”
Andrija Soc
“Agreement and Deliberation: How to Effectively Overcome Polarization”

Room 2:

Nick Kuespert “Conciliating to Avoid Moral Scepticism”
Alexander Altonji
“The Grammar of Moral Disagreement”
Sena Bolek“Basic Moral Certainties, Deep Disagreement, and Cognitive Command”

Room 3:

Thirza Lagewaard“An Agonistic Response to Deep Disagreement”
Mehdi Ebrahimpour“A Many on Many Model of Religious Peerhood”
Osman Nemli“Lessons in Agreement and Disagreement from Plato’s Dialogues”

End of Day One

Tuesday 26th October:

13:00-15:00 – Parallel Sessions III

Room 1:

Finnur Dellsen, Insa Lawler, and James Norton“How Would Disagreement Undermine Progress?”
Julia Smith“What Philosophial Consensus Can Tell Us About Philosophical Progress”
Will Cailes“Individualised Philosophical Success”

Room 2:

Teemu Taurianen “The Explanatory Role of Truth in Understanding the Phenomena of Agreement and Disagreement”
Domingos Faria“Gnostic Agreement Norms”
Dashiell Shulman“Rational Resoluteness and Intrapersonal Disagreement”

Room 3 (Keynes SR13):

Hugh Robertson-Ritchie“CFS/ME: Disagreement, Uncertainty, Distress, Authority, and Obligation”
Geraldine Ng “The COVID-19 Debate, Wishful Thinking, and Nietzsche's Will to Truth”
Marie Kerin“Disentangling Agreement and Disagreement in Judicial Decision-Making”

Room 4 (Keynes SR17):

Eoin Perry“Thick Concepts and Irreducibly Evaluative Disagreement: The Case of Inflation”
Charlotte Claudia Zemmel “How Deep Disagreements Limit the Epistemic Benefit of Social” Diversity
Michel Vargas“Political Disagreement and Epistemic Value”

15:00-15:15 – Break
15:15-16:45 – Keynote II: Mona Simion – “Disagreement, Knowledge-First”
16:45-17:00 – Break
17:00-18:30 – Keynote III: Jennifer Lackey – “Agreement and Echo Chambers”
19:00-22:00 – Conference Dinner – Café du Soleil (Pre-booking Required)
Followed by drinks at The Monument, Canterbury

End of Day Two

Last updated