Ben Bradley

Vice-President Postgraduate Experience
 Ben Bradley


Ben completed his undergraduate degree at the University of Kent in 2021, studying History with a Year in Data Analytics. Upon finishing his undergraduate, he immediately pushed forward to postgraduate study, graduating from his Modern History MA in 2022. His academic career has seen him specialise in the study of Human Experimentation, with his MA dissertation being entitled “Atrocity for the sake of Vanity? A Comprehensive Study Of The Nazi Doctor Karl Gebhardt”. 

As of August 2022, Ben has been the Vice President Postgraduate Experience at Kent Union. In his role, Ben serves as a champion for the voice of postgraduate students at the University of Kent, striving to improve both their academic and overarching university experience. His key priorities are focused on building upon the sense of community and belonging for postgraduates, securing wider academic, research and job opportunities, and ensuring that postgraduate students’ workload and academic experience is as enriching as it can possibly be.


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