1. Who we are and what we do
1.1 Legal Framework
- Governance, charter, statutes and ordinances: www.kent.ac.uk/about/governance
- Planning and Strategy: https://www.kent.ac.uk/strategy
- Global impact: www.kent.ac.uk/global
- Annual Review and Reports: https://www.kent.ac.uk/finance/financial-statements
1.2 How the institution is organised
- Office of the Vice-Chancellor: www.kent.ac.uk/office-vice-chancellor
- Executive group: www.kent.ac.uk/office-vice-chancellor/executive-group
- Research Centres: www.kent.ac.uk/research/research_centres
- Estates: www.kent.ac.uk/estates/
- Human Resources: www.kent.ac.uk/human-resources/
- Admissions: www.kent.ac.uk/applicants
- Finance: www.kent.ac.uk/finance/
- Information Services: www.kent.ac.uk/is
- Library and IT Services: www.kent.ac.uk/library-it
- Boards and Committees: https://www.kent.ac.uk/about/governance/senate
- Governance and Assurance: https://www.kent.ac.uk/about/assurance-and-data-protection
- Legal: https://www.kent.ac.uk/legal
- Academic Divisions:
- Arts and Humanities: www.kent.ac.uk/about/arts-and-humanities
- Study of Law, Society and Social Justice: www.kent.ac.uk/about/law-society-and-social-justice
- Natural Sciences: www.kent.ac.uk/about/natural-sciences
- Human and Social Sciences: www.kent.ac.uk/about/human-and-social-sciences
- Kent Business School: https://www.kent.ac.uk/kent-business-school
- Computing, Engineering and Mathematical Sciences: www.kent.ac.uk/about/computing-engineering-and-mathematical-sciences
1.3 Location and contact details
- Maps: www.kent.ac.uk/maps/
- Contact: www.kent.ac.uk/contact/
1.4 Organisations which the university has links with
- Information on the University’s Collaborative Provision: http://www.kent.ac.uk/teaching/qa/collaborative/index.html
- Collaborative Provision Register: Register of Collaborative Partnerships - Collaborative Partnerships - University of Kent
- List of companies that the University works in partnership with/sponsors/owns/has responsibility for:
- Validated Institutions: www.kent.ac.uk/teaching/qa/collaborative/validation/index.html
- Partner Colleges: www.kent.ac.uk/associate/index.html
- International Partnerships: www.kent.ac.uk/global/partnerships/kent-staff
1.5 Student Activities
University of Kent’s Student Union: Kent Union (a separate organisation): www.kentunion.co.uk/
1.6 Gender pay gap reporting
Each year the University produces a Gender Pay Gap report:
Gender Pay Gap Report - Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity - University of Kent
2. What we spend and how we spend it.
2.1 Funding / income
Financial Statements: https://www.kent.ac.uk/finance/financial-statements
2.2 Budgetary and account information
Financial Statements: https://www.kent.ac.uk/finance/financial-statements
2.3 Financial audit reports
Financial Statements: https://www.kent.ac.uk/finance/financial-statements
2.4 Capital programme
Planning and Strategy: How We're Getting On - Kent 2025 - University of Kent
2.5 Financial regulation and procedures
- Finance: https://www.kent.ac.uk/finance
- Policies: https://www.kent.ac.uk/about/governance/policies-and-procedures
2.6 Staff Allowances and Expenses
- Relocation policy and expenses: https://staff.kent.ac.uk/day-support/finance-and-legal#expenses
- Staff allowances: https://staff.kent.ac.uk/employment
- Senior Management Team Actual Expenses: Please contact us at foi@kent.ac.uk
2.7 Staff pay and grading structures
- Vice chancellor and Executive Group salaries: https://www.kent.ac.uk/about/governance/further-information
- Salary scales and rates of pay: https://staff.kent.ac.uk/employment/pay
2.8 Register of suppliers
- List of contracted suppliers: Top 300 Suppliers 2021-2022 Document
- Prospective Suppliers: https://www.kent.ac.uk/finance/information-for-suppliers
2.9 Procurement and tender procedures and reports
- Financial Statements: https://www.kent.ac.uk/finance/financial-statements
- Responsible Procurement: https://www.kent.ac.uk/finance/responsible-procurement
- Sustainable Food Strategy: Sustainable Food Strategy 2018/2019 Document
- Modern Slavery and human trafficking: University of Kent Modern Slavery Act 2015 - Modern slavery and human trafficking statement
2.10 Contracts
Information regarding contracts over £25,000 can be found on the Government website here: https://www.contractsfinder.service.gov.uk/Search
2.11 Research funding
Financial Statements: https://www.kent.ac.uk/finance/financial-statements
2.12 Trade Union Facility Time Reporting
The Trade Union (Facility Time Publication Requirements) Regulations 2017 came into force on 1st April 2017. As part of the Trade Union Act 2016, these regulations place a legislative requirement on relevant public sector employers, including universities, to collate and publish data on paid facility time for employees who are relevant trade union officials. In line with the publication guidelines set out by the UK government, we will publish this data annually.
The aggregated figures for each year are published and available to download in Excel or OpenDocument format from the government web page: https://www.gov.uk/government/statistical-data-sets/public-sector-trade-union-facility-time-data
Trade Union Facility Time Data - Human Resources - University of Kent
3. What our priorities are and how we are doing
3.1 Annual Report
Annual Review and Reports: https://www.kent.ac.uk/finance/financial-statements
3.2 Corporate and business plans
Planning and Strategy: https://www.kent.ac.uk/strategy
3.3 Teaching and learning strategy
Unit of the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching: https://www.kent.ac.uk/sustainability/learning-teaching
3.4 Academic quality and standards
Quality Assurance and Compliance Office - University of Kent
3.5 Data Protection impact assessments
Please contact us: foi@kent.ac.uk for further information.
3.6 External review information
The Unit of the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching – Quality Assurance and Compliance Office web pages contain information relating to:
- Codes of Practice (Taught Programmes): https://www.kent.ac.uk/education/regulatory-framework/codes-of-practice-for-taught-courses
- Codes of Practice (Research Programmes): https://www.kent.ac.uk/education/regulatory-framework/codes-of-practice-for-research-courses
- External Examiners: https://www.kent.ac.uk/education/external-examiners-and-advisors
3.7 Corporate relations
Information relating to The University of Kent’s links with employers and the development of learning programmes: https://www.kent.ac.uk/employers
3.8 Government and regulatory reports
- The University of Kent (officeforstudents.org.uk)
- Student outcomes: Data dashboard - Office for Students
3.9 Compliance with its duties under the Equality Act 2010
Equality and Diversity: https://www.kent.ac.uk/equality-diversity-inclusivity/edi-reports/edi-report
4. How we make decisions
4.1 Agendas, minutes and papers from governing body, Council/ Senate, academic boards and steering groups
- Council: https://www.kent.ac.uk/about/governance/council
- Senate: https://www.kent.ac.uk/about/governance/senate
- Court: https://www.kent.ac.uk/about/governance/court
4.2 Teaching and learning committee minutes
Please contact us at foi@kent.ac.uk
4.3 Minutes of staff/student liaison meetings
Please contact us at foi@kent.ac.uk
4.4 Appointment committees and procedures
- Remuneration Committee: https://www.kent.ac.uk/about/governance/council#sub-committees
- Statutes - details of appointment of DVCs: https://www.kent.ac.uk/about/governance#constitution-and-management
5. Our policies and procedures
5.1 Policies and procedures for conducting university business
Policies and Procedures - Governance - University of Kent
5.2 Procedures and policies relating to academic services
- General and Academic regulations: www.kent.ac.uk/regulations/index.html
- Honorary degrees:
- Latest honorary graduates: https://www.kent.ac.uk/congregations/honorary-graduates
- Committee and procedure: https://www.kent.ac.uk/about/governance/council
5.3 Procedures and policies relating to student services
- Admissions policy: Admissions policy - Applicants - University of Kent
- Admissions procedures: Admissions procedures - Applicants - University of Kent
- Accommodation Overview: Accommodation - University of Kent
- Student Services: Student Services - University of Kent
- Student Immigration Compliance: Student Immigration - University of Kent
5.4 Procedures and policies relating to human resources
Human Resources Information for Staff: Staff Guide - Staff Guide - University of Kent
5.5 Pay Policy Statement
For further information please contact: foi@kent.ac.uk
5.6 Procedures and policies relating to recruitment
Recruitment Policy and Procedures - Human Resources - Information for Managers - University of Kent
Come and join us! - Career Opportunities - University of Kent
5.7 Code of Conduct for members of governing bodies
A copy of The Charter of Incorporation for the University of Kent is available on the University web site and can be found on the following link: Governance - University of Kent
5.8 Equality and Diversity
Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity - University of Kent
Diversity and community - Staff Guide - University of Kent
5.9 Health and Safety
Policies - Estates - University of Kent
5.10 Estate Management
The following web page contains information and further links regarding Commercial Services & Estates:
5.11 Complaints policy
The following web page contains information and further links regarding Academic appeals and Student complaints: Student Conduct and Complaints Office - Student Services - University of Kent
5.12 Records management and personal data policies
Data Protection Policies: Policies and Procedures - Governance - University of Kent
Retention and Archiving Policy: Policies and Procedures - Regulatory Framework - University of Kent
5.13 File plans
Contact the Freedom of Information team: foi@kent.ac.uk
5.14 Research policy and strategy
- Research Policy and Support: https://www.kent.ac.uk/strategy
- IP Policy: Intellectual Property Policy.pdf (kent.ac.uk)
5.15 Publicly funded research outputs and data
Kent Academic Repository (KAR): https://www.kent.ac.uk/library-it/research-repositories
5.16 Charging regimes and policies
- Course Fees: Tuition fees - Help - University of Kent
- Funding, support and scholarship information: Fees and funding - Undergraduate courses - University of Kent
- Accommodation Fees: Accommodation prices - Accommodation - University of Kent
- Subject Access Requests under Data Protection: Data Protection Rights and Subject Access Requests
- Transcript request: Requesting official student documents - Help - University of Kent
- Status Letter: Requesting official student documents - Help - University of Kent
- Library Fees: Borrow from the Templeman Library - Help - University of Kent
6. Lists and registers
6.1 Any information we are currently legally required to hold in publicly available registers
The University is registered with the Information Commissioner's Office: Information Commissioners - Data protection register - entry details (ico.org.uk)
6.2 Asset registers
to Financial Statements: https://www.kent.ac.uk/finance/financial-statements
6.3 Information asset register
For more information, please contact foi@kent.ac.uk
6.4 CCTV
Building Security and CCTV: https://www.kent.ac.uk/commercial-services-estates/security/building-security-and-cctv
6.5 Information Request Disclosure logs
Previous Disclosures: https://www.kent.ac.uk/about/assurance-and-data-protection/previous-disclosures
6.6 Any register of interests at the University
See Declaration/register of interests 2022-2023 for Council Members in Policies and Procedures - Governance - University of Kent
Please contact: foi@kent.ac.uk
6.7 Register of gifts and hospitality provided to senior staff
Members of staff may not accept business gifts. See policy on personal benefit in Policies and Procedures - Governance - University of Kent
Please contact: foi@kent.ac.uk
6.8 Senior staff's declaration of interests
See Declaration Form/Register of Interests 2022-2023 for staff in Policies and Procedures - Governance - University of Kent
Please contact foi@kent.ac.uk
7. The services we offer
7.1 Prospectus
University of Kent Courses: Order or download your prospectus - Courses - University of Kent
7.2 Services for outside bodies
University of Kent Conferences: Conferences and Events - University of Kent
7.3 Course content
University of Kent Courses: www.kent.ac.uk/courses/
7.4 Course fees
Student Finance: Finance - Help - University of Kent
Tuition fees - Help - University of Kent
7.5 Funding, such as grants and bursaries, available to students from the HEI
University of Kent Courses: Fees and funding - Courses - University of Kent
7.6 Welfare and counselling services
- Counselling Service: Counselling - Help - University of Kent
- University Medical Centre: Health services - Help - University of Kent
- Specific Learning Difficulties Support: Specific Learning Difficulties Support - Help - University of Kent
Browse Guide pages - Help - University of Kent
7.7 Medical Centre
University Medical Centre: Health services - Help - University of Kent
7.8 Careers Advisory Service
Careers Advisory Service: Careers Service, University of Kent, CES, CV
7.9 Chaplaincy services
Chaplaincy: www.kent.ac.uk/chaplaincy/
7.10 Sports and recreational facilities
- Kent Sport: www.kent.ac.uk/sports/
7.11 Facilities relating to music, art, and other cultural activities
Music at Kent - University of Kent
Gulbenkian Theatre/ Cinema / Cafe / Bar: Gulbenkian (thegulbenkian.co.uk)
7.12 Museums, libraries, special collections and archives
- Details
of the University Libraries can be found at: Library and IT - University of Kent
- Information
regarding Special Collections and Archives from visiting: Special Collections and Archives - University of Kent
7.13 Conference facilities
Details of conference facilities at the University can be found from: Conferences and Events - University of Kent
7.14 Advice and Guidance
Student Learning Advisory Service can provide Advice and Guidance: Student Learning Advisory Service - University of Kent
For advice and guidance in specific areas, further links can be accessed through this page of the website.
7.15 Media releases
- Corporate Communications: www.kent.ac.uk/communications/
- News, Press and Events: www.kent.ac.uk/news/