The module is considered as an important element of Wildlife Conservation undergraduate training. The opportunity to engage in personal research is seen as an essential element of academic training in all disciplines. The particular skills necessary to undertake research, whether practical fieldwork or laboratory work or a desk-based study, can only be taught through the medium of practically orientated investigative tasks. The principle objective in the research project is to assist students in gaining insight into the organisation, analysis and communication of research. The approved investigation may be novel i.e. one that has not previously been carried out, or it may repeat previously executed work for comparative or control purposes
Total contact hours: 24
Private study hours: 276
Total study hours: 300
BSc Wildlife Conservation,
BA Environmental Social Sciences.
BSc Human Ecology
Draft of Dissertation (10%)
Presentation (10%)
Dissertation (80%) *
* This element is pass compulsory and must be passed to achieve the learning outcomes of the module.
Reassessment methods: 100% Project.
Reading list (Indicative list, current at time of publication. Reading lists will be published annually)
Fowler J and Cohen, L Practical Statistics for Field Biology, 2nd edn.
Newing H. 2011. Conducting research in conservation: social science methods and practice. Routledge.
Pechenik J. and Lamb B. (1994) How to Write About Biology. Harper Collins: London
Robson R. (1994). Real World Research . Blackwell: Oxford.
Robson C. 2007. How to do a research project: a guide for undergraduate students. Blackwell Publishing
See the library reading list for this module (Canterbury)
The intended subject specific learning outcomes. On successfully completing the module students will be able to:
8.1 design and carry out a piece of research related to conservation and the environment, identify and use theories and concepts to analyse environmental issues
8.2 analyse results and place them in the context of the existing literature, and to present and write up the findings
8.3 gain the ability to identify a research question and to collect and manipulate data to answer that question
The intended generic learning outcomes. On successfully completing the module students will be able to:
9.1. demonstrate general learning and study skills; be reflective, adaptive and collaborative in their approach to learning; use IT to word process, conduct online searches, communicate by email and access data sources
9.2 demonstrate critical and analytical skills
9.3 communicate ideas and make a structured and logical argument to others, both in written and spoken form
9.4 design, implement, analyse and write up a research project, including the ability to identify a research question and to collect and manipulate data to answer that question
9.5 carry out a literature review and place their project in the context of the existing literature
9.6 formulate and test theories
9.7 demonstrate enhanced skills in presentation, report writing, time management, use of the academic literature, carrying out independent research
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