Exploring the Mathematical Sciences - MAST0018

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Module delivery information

Location Term Level1 Credits (ECTS)2 Current Convenor3 2024 to 2025
Spring Term 3 15 (7.5) Steffen Krusch checkmark-circle


This module introduces the students to the basics of Maple and two topics in the mathematical sciences. The precise topics will vary in any particular year. Potential topics include (for example): history and/or people active in the mathematical sciences, algorithms, engaging the public in the mathematical sciences, mathematical games.
Maple: the Maple environment, basic commands, basic calculus, curve sketching.
There is no specific mathematical syllabus for the topics part of the module.


Contact hours

Contact Hours: 18
Private Study: 132
Total: 150

Method of assessment

100% coursework

Indicative reading

The University is committed to ensuring that core reading materials are in accessible electronic format in line with the Kent Inclusive Practices.
The most up to date reading list for each module can be found on the university's reading list pages.
Mathematical texts will depend on the projects offered in any particular year.

Learning outcomes

The intended subject specific learning outcomes.
On successfully completing the module students will be able to:
1 investigate with guidance a topic in mathematics and/or statistics;
2 demonstrate the capability to solve problems in accordance with the basic theories and concepts of the relevant topics in mathematics and/or statistics;
3 make appropriate use of Maple.


  1. Credit level 3. Foundation level module taken in preparation for a degree.
  2. ECTS credits are recognised throughout the EU and allow you to transfer credit easily from one university to another.
  3. The named convenor is the convenor for the current academic session.
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