Personal Taxation - BUSN5023

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Module delivery information

Location Term Level1 Credits (ECTS)2 Current Convenor3 2024 to 2025
Spring Term 5 15 (7.5) Duncan Finn checkmark-circle


Why do we need taxes and why does the subject of taxation always seem to spark debate? Governments use taxes to generate revenue to fund public services and infrastructure, as well as influencing our lifestyle choices. Learning about personal taxation is important for understanding legal obligations, making informed financial decisions and advancing professional opportunities. You'll learn to evaluate financial risks while complying with regulatory requirements and enhance your career prospects in accounting and finance.


Contact hours

Total contact hours: 33
Private study hours: 117
Total study hours: 150

Method of assessment

Exam, 2 hours (70%)
In-Course Test (15%)
VLE Test (15%)

Reassessment method: 100% Exam

Indicative reading

ACCA (2020) Taxation F6 London: Kaplan Financial Ltd (updated annually with new FA)

Learning outcomes

- Critically appraise the regulatory, commercial, professional, ethical and social environment within which taxes are levied and tax computations are prepared and used.
- Explain and compute the income tax liabilities of individuals and the effect of national insurance contributions on employees, employers and the self-employed.
- Critically analyse financial data in the context of liability for taxation.
- Analyse the operations of a business from a tax planning perspective.
- Exercise independent and self-managed learning.
- Communicate effectively to a variety of audiences and/or using a variety of methods.
- Critically evaluate arguments and evidence.
- Prepare tax computations.


  1. Credit level 5. Intermediate level module usually taken in Stage 2 of an undergraduate degree.
  2. ECTS credits are recognised throughout the EU and allow you to transfer credit easily from one university to another.
  3. The named convenor is the convenor for the current academic session.
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