Joanna Scamp

Technical Manager (Technician Commitment),
Technician Commitment Working Group Chair
 Joanna Scamp


Joanna is the Technical Manager for the Technician Commitment at the University of Kent. She has worked within Technical Services at the University of Kent since 2011, supporting technical operations, frontline services, facilities, teaching and research. Her focus is on supporting and developing technicians through the implementation of the University’s Technician Commitment strategy action plan. She coordinates support for technicians across the university, as well as manages a small portfolio of projects. 

Joanna is passionate about creating positive impact to not only all technical staff, through the championing of the Technician Commitment, but to the wider University community as well.

As a part of her Technician Commitment activities, Jo volunteers and collaborates with the Science Museum as a part of their Technicians Gallery Live Programme. She has created a 40-minute hands-on workshop that she delivers to schools and families.     

Other responsibilities and commitments include:

  • National Technician Development Centre Specialist Advisor
  • National EDI Committee for Technical Staff Co-Chair
  • Eastern ARC Technicians' Network Co-Chair

Joanna is an artist outside of work and takes any opportunity to bring art into her role as her work inspires her professional practice.

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