Last update : June 2017
If you consider studying for a PhD under my supervision or if you would be interested in joing Kent as a post-doc, please don't hesitate to contact me by email to discuss it.
A list of former and current PhD students and post-docs can be found here.
Teaching (2022/2023):
Old (graduate) Teaching
- MAST5740/MAST7027 Polynomials in Severable Variables
- LTCC Intensive Course: From quantum algebras to total non-negativity
- LTCC Intensive Course: Cluster Algebras from Different Perspectives
My research:
- Publications
- Preprints
- Old Conference organisation: Luminy 2007, Canterbury 2008, Oberwolfach 2009, Kent Algebra Days 2010, Kent Algebra Days 2011, Noncommutative Geometry session of BMC 2012, Kent Algebra Days 2013, Total Positivity: a bridge between Representation Theory and Physics, Interactions between Representation Theory and Model Theory, Spring School in Algebra and Representation Theory
- NEW: Workshop in Noncommutative Algebra and Representation Theory will take place in Canterbury in July 2023
- ArXiv: xxx
- London Mathematical Society: LMS
- Edinburgh Mathematical Society: EMS
- American Mathematical Society: AMS ; 2000 AMS Subject classification ; MathSciNet
- Société Mathématique de France: SMF
- Serveur du CNRS
- Zentralblatt fur Mathematik
- Cellule de Coordination Documentaire Nationale pour les Mathématiques
- The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences
- NCAlgebra